Thillaiyadi Valliammai Munuswami
The life story of teen activist Thillaiyadi Valliammai Munuswami will be told in a historical feature film.
The film, Valliammai – Prodigy of Resistance, will be directed by Sharada Ramanathan, a film director from Chennai in India.
Valliammai was a peace activist, who died at the age of 16. She lived between 1898 and 1914 and fought unjust laws including the Anti-Asiatic Law, aimed at forcefully segregating Indians, disallowing them to move freely and forbidding them from operating businesses from a place of their choice.
Valliammai became a child activist and garnered support against unjust laws. She was often beaten and hounded by police, but was resolute.
She joined a group of women, travelling on foot from the then Transvaal to Natal, courting arrest and facing life-threatening diseases, lack of food and water, and little sleep.
In spite of these challenges, Valliammai stood at the forefront, and created awareness among the mine and plantation workers and encouraged mass mobilisation for the truth. She was arrested and sentenced to imprisonment with hard labour on September 23, 1913.
Valliammai was eventually released after falling ill and she died on February 22, 1914, on her birth anniversary.
Ramanathan said when she saw the name Valliammai about 10 years ago on a landmark building in Chennai, India, she wondered who she was.
"I then began to explore and research about her. When I discovered what an icon she has been, I realised that just like myself, the world would love to know who she was, and her unique story, that would resonate with millions of human beings not only in South Africa, but across the world.
"I decided to tell her story not only because it was fascinating, thrilling and inspiring and would make for a great film, but also because Valliammai stands for a philosophy and values that the world needs today," she said.
Ramanathan has been working with a leading screenplay writer from Chennai, Karundhel Rajesh, who also visited South Africa to learn more about the history.
She said during the pre-production phase they will also involve a larger Indo-South African writing team for fine-tuning.
Ramanathan said she consulted with Gopalkrishna Gandhi, who is Gandhi’s grandson and was High Commissioner to South Africa, who encouraged her to explore a film on Valliammai.
"The entire film production will take place in South Africa since Valliammai lived only there from her birth to her death. We are enlisting actors and the technical crew from across the globe, including India, South Africa and America. Some of Valliammai's family members will also partake in the film.
"Valliammai’s story is incomplete without the presence of Thambi Naidoo, who was a prominent South African political activist and a key figure in the early struggle against colonial and apartheid rule. He played a significant role in the ANC and the broader liberation movement. So, while the film spans her lifetime and will be through the lens of her life, Thambi Naidoo too will have a strong presence in the narrative.
"The film will therefore become about the role of the Indians led by the two protagonists. It will, as I said, be a one-of-a-kind film about a one-of-a-kind story. Viewers will see the beginnings of one the world’s greatest and longest struggles that triumphed, in a thrilling feature film format," said Ramanathan.
She said the release of the film will depend on the partnerships and collaborations, especially in terms of funding.
Ramanathan's debut film Sringaram won four Indian National and two Tamilnadu state film awards and was featured in about 15 international film festivals.
Rajendran Govender, a social cohesion advocate, said the story of Valliammai being told through film was a significant and long-overdue tribute to a young heroine whose sacrifices played a crucial role in South Africa’s early resistance movement.
"This film holds great potential for social cohesion and nation-building, as it highlights the contributions of a marginalised figure whose legacy is deeply intertwined with our country’s struggle for justice and equality.
He said beyond its historical significance, the film would be of immense educational value.
Govender said very little was taught about Valliammai in the history syllabus, despite her pivotal role in shaping South Africa’s resistance movement.
"By bringing her story to life, this film will fill a critical gap in historical education, ensuring that future generations recognise the diverse voices that contributed to our nation’s freedom.
"This film will serve as an inspiration for young people, encouraging them to stand up for their rights in the face of contemporary societal challenges. Valliammai’s courage and resilience send a powerful message that young individuals have the ability to bring about meaningful change, even in the most difficult circumstances.
"I strongly believe that Valliammai – Prodigy of Resistance will be a groundbreaking and transformative film, not just for South Africa but for global audiences who continue to fight for justice, equality, and human rights," said Govender.
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