The new HercLéon laundry-free T-shirts. Picture: Supplied.
The fashion world keeps introducing innovations to popularise sustainability. HercLéon, one of the most famous sustainable textile brands, has announced the launch of the world’s first laundry-free clothes.
Unlike the usual clothes that must be consistently washed, laundry-free garments can be worn several times without frequent washing.
You’re probably wondering how it works because wearing a clothing item about five times without washing it sounds nasty, right? Well, with the innovations, the clothes have anti-bacterial fibres to kill the bacteria that cause odour.
Incorporating anti-odour and anti-bacterial properties ensures that products remain fresh and clean, providing an unparalleled user experience.
One of the statement pieces in the range, known as the “World’s Cleanest T-Shirt” is made of a blend of beechwood, copper, spandex and other materials. It is said that the T-shirt can go for 100 days without washing it.
However, there is a downside: you cannot wear it when participating in intense physical activities such as running. It is not ideal for people who sweat a lot because copper content might react with sweat in rare cases.
Also, due to the delicate nature of the material, oil-based stains require pre-washing. This means you must be careful not to stain it with food when you’re eating.
There are also socks. They’re stretchy and odour-resistant – perfect for people who suffer from foot odour. However, they are not ideal for winter because they are thin. Unlike the shirt, the socks are not self-cleaning because of the higher bacteria levels in shoes.
Wen Muenyi, the founder of the brand born in Cameroon, said he was inspired to launch such innovative clothes because he had a burning question: “Why do clothes smell bad?“