Unless the government and private sector urgently work together to find solutions that are acceptable to all, South Africans will likely face a healthcare crisis within the next decade because of a number of factors that appear to be converging in a perfect storm.
In the 4th-quarter 2022 edition of Personal Finance magazine, we examine the crisis from various angles, including the widening gap between what medical schemes pay for and what hospitals and specialists charge, the government’s vaunted National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme, and private-sector solutions to healthcare funding.
Also in the 4th-quarter edition:
…and much more.
There’s also the regular, useful Databank, containing the quarterly unit trust results, tax rates and life annuity rates.
Personal Finance magazine is available in digital format only at R25 a copy or R90 for four quarterly editions. Go to the Zinio platform: https://www.zinio.com/za/personal-finance-magazine-m38787
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