Athol Trollip emphasises that ActionSA's proposed Cabinet reforms will introduce much-needed oversight and accountability
Image: Henk Kruger/Independent Newspapers
ActionSA plans to introduce two major pieces of legislation in 2025: the Cabinet Reform Package and the Zero-Tolerance Corruption Bill.
These initiatives are part of the party’s firm commitment to addressing wasteful government spending and combating the pervasive corruption that has plagued South Africa’s public sector.
According to Athol Trollip, ActionSA's Parliamentary Leader, the party is determined to be a constructive opposition force, leveraging its access to Parliament to push for meaningful reforms that prioritise South Africa’s best interests over political indulgence.
Trollip noted: “ActionSA has consistently emphasised the need for change and is using its presence in Parliament to drive real reforms.”
The Cabinet Reform Package seeks to address the bloated executive structure, which currently includes 32 Ministers, 43 Deputy Ministers, and a large staff. This is expected to cost taxpayers R1.5 billion annually.
ActionSA will table a Constitutional Amendment to Abolish Deputy Ministers that will amend Section 91 and repeal Section 93 of the Constitution. This amendment aims to streamline the Cabinet, reducing unnecessary positions and improving efficiency.
Additionally, ActionSA will introduce a Constitutional Amendment to Require Parliamentary Ratification of Cabinet Appointments.
This proposal will require the President’s ministerial appointments to be approved by Parliament within a set timeframe by amending Section 92 of the Constitution. Trollip explained: “This will, for the first time, introduce Parliamentary vetting of ministerial appointments, enhancing oversight and accountability of the executive.”
A central component of the Cabinet Reform Package is the Cut Cabinet Perks Bill, which will amend the Remuneration of Public Office Bearers Act, 1998, to drastically reduce excessive perks and allowances for Ministers.
“This bill was previously introduced but abandoned by the DA once they joined the ANC and became beneficiaries of these very perks,'' he said.
The bill aims to cut housing allowances, travel expenses, and VIP protection services.
Trollip further pointed to the GNU Performance Tracker, which reveals that in the first few months since their appointment in July 2024, just over half of the Ministers have collectively spent R143.5 million on travel alone.
He added: “ActionSA’s Cabinet Reform Package introduces groundbreaking reforms that will right-size Cabinet, introduce robust oversight of the appointment of ministers, and curb the excessive luxuries that have led to taxpayer funds being squandered.”
The Zero-Tolerance Corruption Bill is designed to strengthen the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PRECCA) by broadening the definition of corruption.
This will include the abuse of political power, price-gouging in public procurement, and gross negligence. The Bill also introduces mandatory minimum sentences, including 15 years of imprisonment for corruption involving transactions over R500,000, with no option for parole or fines.
Additionally, the Bill imposes severe sanctions for private sector corruption, including the mandatory repayment of corruptly obtained funds and additional punitive measures for both corporations and individuals involved in corrupt activities. It also includes provisions for the permanent disqualification of anyone convicted of corruption from holding public office or working in public service.
“These overdue reforms should gain the support of all parties who profess to want to cut wastage and fight corruption,'' said Trollip.
IOL Politics
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