When putting on a face mask, always set a timer to remove it unless it’s an overnight mask. Picture: Pexels.
We are fast approaching December and during this time people are always on the move.
But don’t let the festivities deter you from practising self-care. Continue taking care of yourself for an overall glow.
Don’t use heavy creams
Some people believe that using a heavy cream is the solution to combating dry skin during the transition from winter to spring. While it's essential to keep your skin well-hydrated, using a thick, very rich cream may not be the best approach.
Do use a lightweight lotion
Lighter, hydrating lotions are often more effective during spring. Heavy creams can clog pores and lead to breakouts in warmer weather. Opt for one that offers adequate hydration without feeling greasy on the skin.
Don’t skip a moisturiser after showering
Some people think that living in a part of the country that experiences increased humidity and spring rains means that this will naturally hydrate their skin, eliminating the need for moisturisers.
Do moisturise even after showering at night
Continue to apply your lotion to lock in moisture and prevent dryness.
Don’t over-scrub
Scrubbing the skin hard gives the illusion that the skin feels cleaner after. While many may think that cleansing your skin harder is better, in reality, it’s the opposite. Too much scrubbing could damage the skin.
Do exfoliate
Gentle exfoliating using gloves is good for the skin as it helps remove dead skin, leaving it feeling fresh.
Don’t shower more often
While maintaining personal hygiene is great, there is no need for a third shower unless stated otherwise by a medical practitioner.
Do shower twice a day
Showering twice a day (in the morning and evening) is more than enough. Keep your showers short and use warm water to avoid stripping the skin of its natural oils.
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