A guide to Prosecco, Cava and MCC's from around the world A guide to Prosecco, Cava and MCC's from around the world
Chances are you will enjoy a glass or two of sparkling wine this holiday season and that might be the only time this year you drink bubbly outside of a wedding, a birthday celebration or other special occasion.
The vast majority of MCC, champagne and other sparkling wines are purchased and consumed in December. We associate champagne with celebration and luxury, a result of marketing efforts by champagne houses dating back to the Belle Epoque era of Parisian excess in the late 19th century. This is the month we celebrate until the New Year's resolutions kick in.
Of course, champagne is the cream of the crop when it comes to sparkling wine. It is expensive; we tend to call any wine with bubbles "champagne," because that reinforces the idea of indulgence and excess.
When we stop equating bubbles with champagne, and therefore luxury and extravagance, we open up a world of possibilities. (And believe me, champagne producers would be very happy if we stopped referring to the cheap carbonated swill a lot of us drink as "champagne.")
The main reason champagne is the ne plus ultra of bubbly is the way it is made, with a second fermentation occurring in the bottle to give the wine its sparkle. This method is used around the world, and often noted on the label as the "champagne method," "traditional method" or "methode traditionelle."
Other wines are artificially carbonated in the tank following the alcoholic fermentation. Italy's prosecco is the most successful of this style. Really cheap fizz seems to inject more headaches into the wine than bubbles.
Then there are other styles of sparkling wine. Crémant wines are made in France, but outside of Champagne, using the traditional method. They are typically made with regional grapes, giving them regional character: Chenin blanc in the Loire; riesling or pinot blanc in Alsace; chardonnay in Burgundy.
Crémant de Bourgogne (Burgundy), is usually 100 per cent chardonnay and most closely resembles fine champagne, and Crémant de Limoux, from southwestern France, offers great fun and value for the price.
Cava is Spain's claim to bubbly fame successfully imitate champagnes that cost twice as much.
Italy offers prosecco - it's a gentle fizz from the Veneto region around Venice made in the tank-fermented method. Many proseccos are all about the bubbles, but the better ones show bright red-fruit flavours.
So, as you purchase and enjoy your sparkling wines to toast and celebrate this holiday season, remember those flavours for celebrations throughout the next year - after all, every day can be special.