Growing a beard can change your perspective on dating

Luthando Vikilahle|Published

beard, grooming a man with a well groomed beard, Image: Unsplash

A recent survey by says at least 86% of singles find facial hair on men highly attractive.

They believe it adds a layer of masculinity and maturity. Even more interestingly, men with facial hair in their dating profile pictures receive three times more matches on average compared to their clean-shaven counterparts.

While beards can be a major plus, proper grooming is essential. About 77% of respondents noted that poorly maintained facial hair is a major turn-off.

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man ready for a beard transplant, Image: Supplied

Additionally, 45% of those surveyed prefer a beard and moustache combination over just a moustache. Only a mere 5% stated they wouldn't date someone with facial hair at all.

Research by Jeremy Nicholson (M.S.W., Ph.D.) shows that women find men with light stubble most attractive, whereas full beards are associated with masculinity and perceived as a sign of good fathering potential.

This aligns with other studies showing that men often feel more confident and less self-conscious about physical imperfections when they have a healthy beard.

Dr. Kashmal Kalan, Medical Director of Alvi Armani South Africa, explains that factors such as age, genetics, ethnicity, testosterone levels, immune conditions like Alopecia, diet, and stress can all impact beard growth. For those struggling to grow a beard, there's hope.

Beard transplants are gaining popularity, making it possible for anyone to achieve their desired facial hair.

Alvi Armani’s FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) beard and moustache transplants involve a detailed consultation and personalized design using the patient's own hair follicles.

This safe and relatively painless procedure ensures natural-looking results.

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man after a beard transplant, Image: Supplied

Describing the process, Dr. Kalan says, "Under topical anaesthetic, healthy follicles are individually extracted from a hair-rich donor area—typically the back and sides of the head—and transplanted into sparse areas. These follicles begin generating healthy hair about three months post-procedure

It’s crucial to research the clinic and techniques thoroughly, focusing on credentials, reputation, and client reviews.

A beard transplant, combined with a good skincare and hair care routine, a healthy diet, and an active lifestyle, can help you achieve the look you’ve always wanted in just a few months, boosting your confidence along the way.

Ready to transform your look? Embrace the beard and watch your dating game soar.