protein shake, fitness shake, exercise Man drinking protein shale. Image: Pexels
The thing about your favourite protein shake recipe is it's likely become a bit of a cliche. At last count there were roughly a trillion flavours out there, with a gazillion brands all touting their own special blends, each promising to get you jacked ‘in a unique way’ – yet they all taste the same.
Want to get big but not too big? There’s a powder for that. Like running but still want to whack on size? There’s one for that. Only workout on Tuesdays in a hypoxic chamber using Indian clubs? There’s probably a protein powder for that.
But, how about we forget all of that and take it back to basics? Want to up your protein levels in a quick and easy way, with some different ingredients from what most people use? It doesn’t need to be any more complex, as our experts explain.
Leon Veal, head of R&D at supplements brand STYRKR, knows a thing or two about protein shakes. But for a guy who makes a living in the powder biz, he doesn’t try to oversell them. Are protein shakes the answer to your fitness woes? Well, in Veal’s opinion, no:
“Protein shakes are a tool, nothing magical, just a convenient way to hit your daily protein targets when whole food isn’t an option,’ he says. “Typically, a shake is a mix of protein powder and liquid (water, milk, or a plant-based alternative), often blended with extras like fruit or oats for additional fuel.”
We need protein to grow, and protein comes in the form of a variety of amino acids, all of which we need to get from our food. Rather than chewing through a steak after every workout, downing a protein shake can help you hit your amino acids in a fraction of the time, and often with added benefits blended in. Protein powders come in a variety of forms, including from milk-based proteins like whey and casein, to your vegan sources like soy and pea.
Different types of protein have different benefits, especially when it comes to whey vs casein (plant-based – pea, rice, soy blends – arguably only exist to cater to vegans; they’re also lower in certain amino acids like methionine).
You might find whey easier to digest, and its high leucine content is key for rapid muscle protein synthesis. Casein is more of a slow release protein powder, making it ideal for preventing muscle breakdown overnight.
“Leucine is the amino acid primarily responsible for the stimulation of muscle protein synthesis during which new proteins are produced and integrated into our muscle fibres,” explains Harry Cox, founder of Fitzrovia’s private training gym Club Q.
There are several varieties of whey: concentrate, isolate and hydrolysed. Whey Concentrate is the most common form and often the cheapest. Although it contains slightly more calories, Fox says the taste tends to be more appealing. “Whey Isolate has fewer calories and almost no lactose making it easier to digest for many people although it is slightly more expensive,” he adds. Hydrolysed whey which is broken down by adding water, making it even easier to digest and metabolise.
But vegans needn’t feel left out. “Whilst whey is the king of protein powders, there are a growing number of great vegan protein powders which use a blend of various plant proteins such as pea, soy and pumpkin,” says Cox. “There have been some questions asked about the bioavailability of these protein sources but a good vegan supplement will add in any missing amino acids to amend for these possible deficiencies.”
As Veal explains, protein powders work by providing the amino acids needed to repair the microtraumas in our muscles caused by exercise. These microtraumas in the muscle fibres are built back stronger and larger, helping our muscles grow. Without a ready source of amino acids, you won’t heal as quickly, leading to injury and even long-lasting muscle damage.
Then again, downing chicken breasts does the same job. Your average protein shake has around 24g of protein per serving, roughly equivalent to a tin of tuna, four whole eggs, or a salmon fillet. Where protein powders really have the edge, according to Cox, is ease.
“The primary utility of protein shakes is that it makes it easier for us to consume a high protein diet,” he says. “The health benefits of doing so are numerous, including: increased muscle mass, improved bone health, and increased strength.”
The debate about when exactly we should take protein shakes all feels a bit academic. Does it need to be 30-60 minutes post-workout so your muscles are primed for nutrient uptake? Should it be in the four hour window after your workout? Or should you just relax about the whole thing?
“Long gone are the days of believing you can only drink protein shakes in the anabolic 30-minute post workout window,” says Cox. “Whilst that’s often a convenient time to consume a protein shake, it’s certainly not the only time they’re useful.”
He adds that if the primary function of a shake is to provide you with quick and easy protein, it’s probably redundant if you’re about to go home and have a high protein dinner anyway. There are only so many amino acids your muscles can use, anyway.
As for restocking carb levels in your muscle’s energy cells, the same applies. Sure, it’s easy to get some from shakes with added carbs, but you could also just have some brown rice with dinner and get the same benefit.
Cox does say that a protein shake following a midday workout can be a great way of kickstarting the recovery process if your next meal is still a while off, or if it’s getting late in the day and you feel you haven’t quite hit your protein goals. But, you don’t need to be anal about it.
The best thing about protein shakes these days is that not only are they available in different forms, you can get them in pretty much any flavour you want.
If you’re on a strict, sugar-free diet, a strawberry cheesecake or marshmallow flavoured shake once a day might be the only thing keeping you going. Or, that might sound like sickly-sweet hell and you prefer a vanilla shake mixed with berries.
For Veal, his favourite post-workout recovery shake goes like this: one scoop whey, banana, peanut butter, 300ml milk. “This aids digestion and is ideal for replenishing glycogen and aiding muscle repair,” he says.
If he wants a kick pre-workout, Veal will mix it up like so: “One scoop protein, oats, Greek yogurt, honey, almond milk. “This is great for slow-release carbs for sustained energy.”
Finally, if you’re trying to recover without blowing up your calories, Veal suggests: one scoop protein, mixed berries, coconut water. “This is a lighter option for post-cardio or for those tracking calories,” he says.
For Cox, the key question to ask yourself before mixing a shake is ‘Am I making a shake to maximise protein and minimise calories? Or am I creating a convenient meal to sustain my energy?’
If you’re cautious of calories, he recommends good old-fashioned protein powder mixed with water. “If you’re trying to create something more substantial – say if you’re trying to bulk – it’s hard to go wrong with adding a scoop of protein powder, a little bit of peanut butter, some berries and half a banana.”
If you’re really trying to maximise the calories, say after a hard leg day, or after a half marathon, throw some oats and whole milk in your shake for a more substantial meal.
Fancy mixing up your protein shake recipe?
Fitness, wellness and nutrition expert Penny Weston offers up some alternatives to what you may have been using for your protein shakes – and explains why you should be subbing these ingredients in.
“Bee pollen has also become quite popular in recent years, with Erewhon going viral on TikTok for adding certain powders and supplements to their smoothies, one being bee pollen. For these types of additions, more studies are needed to give conclusive evidence that they correlate to fitness-related benefits.
However, some studies have found that bee pollen can help with muscle recovery, such as one performed on rats that found their muscle recovery improved as well as energy metabolism after taking bee pollen. Bee pollen contains a multitude of amino acids, which is essential for muscle recovery. Protein repairs and rebuilds muscle after exercising through releasing amino acids that help to repair the trauma caused to the muscle fibres.”
“One ingredient that is often overlooked when it comes to protein is silken tofu. Most people will only turn to this if they are vegetarian or vegan, however with around five-to-nine grams of protein per serving, it’s a great option for anyone looking to hit their protein goal. Silken tofu is a great addition to any smoothie, as it doesn’t have a very strong taste but it adds a lovely silky, smooth texture that can sometime be lost with protein-heavy shakes. It’s great for building muscle as it is adding a lot of protein for little calories per serving.
It adds a protein punch without the usual grittiness of protein powder! You will also get a boost of healthy fats without the calorie punch of a lot of other healthy fat options. Healthy fats are great for building muscle as they are a great source of energy for exercising, so you can push yourself harder in your workouts and therefore build muscle. Fats are also so important for hormone and cell health. Fatty acids are essential in the structural integrity of cell membranes, including muscle cells.”
“Baobab powder has become quite a popular addition to shakes and smoothies in recent years. It is a powder that comes from the African baobab fruit and is thought to contain a whopping amount of antioxidants, twice that of goji berries, around six times the amount of vitamin C than an orange, as well as a source of magnesium, potassium, fibre, and vitamin B. Antioxidants, which help keep free radicals under control.
Free radicals are unstable molecules that are great in small amounts but can damage your cells when there are too many. Antioxidants are thought to benefit your overall health with providing a daily boost of nutrients such as vitamin C and B, Glutathione and Selenium for example. This in turn helps with recovery and overall wellbeing when focusing on your fitness journey.”
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