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When you're at the start of a new workout regimen, it can feel a bit like you're Sisyphus pushing the rock up the hill: progress feels far away, and you feel doomed to keep repeating the same reps every morning, for eternity. But fear not, because results are always around the corner–that is, depending on a few variables, including what kind of workouts you're doing, the kind of diet you're following, and your expectations on a timeframe for results. We talked to an expert, Max Dimarco, personal trainer from Fitness First in St Leonards, to give us the details.
Dimarco says that he gives his clients at least four weeks before to see some positive changes before adjusting a workout program. "It’s important to find balance between having a suitable workout that relates to your goals and having enough patience to trust the process," he says. Read on more more of his top takeaways.
It's important to consider what 'results' means to you: is it weight loss? Weight gain? Increased flexibility or strength? According to your answer, you should tailor your workout to your aims. For those wanting to lose weight, cardio is the best short-term bet, as you burn more calories that way, which will then help put you in a calorie deficit. But it's not as simple as it seems. "Long term weight training could [ultimately] be more beneficial," says Dimarco, "as it will give you a much more sustainable result. The more muscle our body has, the more calories our body will burn throughout the day when we are not exercising."
"Diet is key to achieving any physical transformation. To lose or gain weight, our body relies heavily on the calories we burn through exercise, but also the calories we consume through food," says Dimarco. Simple stuff.
"Genetics is another contributing factor to results and unfortunately it’s something out of our control," says Dimarco. "Some people are blessed with athletic genetics and don’t need to work as hard as others to achieve the same result." Rats. But all isn't lost: "We can’t use genetics as an excuse," says Dimarco. "Some results might take longer to achieve, but that does not make it impossible." There we go.
Talk about a secret weapon. "Things like stretching and getting plenty of sleep will give your body the best chance to succeed." This, we can definitely get on board with.
Because goal-setting can feel a little daunting, and results are hard to measure when they're not clearly outlined, Dimarco gets his clients to set specific goals for their workout routines – namely, goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-based (S.M.A.R.T.). Here are his tips below.
● Specific: Make sure your workout routine is specific to the goal you are trying to achieve. There is no point doing a bicep workout if your goal is to run a marathon.
● Measurable: I also recommend getting some form of testing to measure the results. If you are wanting to lose body fat around the waist, use a tape measure and check in every few weeks to stay on track.
● Attainable: We have all heard the saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. To make the goal attainable, have a routine that you know you will be able to stick to on good and bad days. Consistency is key.
● Realistic: Setting a high standard for yourself is great, but not when it becomes impossible to achieve. When new clients come to me wanting to lose 10kg in 2 weeks, I have to break the news that it’s not only dangerous but also not realistic.
● Time-based: Have a time frame of when you want to achieve the goal. Write down that special date to give yourself something to work towards.
[Via GQ Australia]
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