Ruan Jooste

Content Editor: Personal Finance

The life rights experiment: property retirement model uncovered

Ruan Jooste|Published

The concept of Life Rights in real estate has become a popular retirement model across the globe.

Listen: The two-pot pension system was delayed by a year. But what else changed?

Ruan Jooste|Published

Last week National Treasury announced that it was postponing the the implementation of the proposed two-pot pension fund system by a year, following public consultations ...

Private equity provides more pools of liquidity, but are they big enough to make a splash for investors?

Ruan Jooste|Published

The amendments to Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act at the beginning of the year were warmly welcomed by local private equity players.

Ruan Jooste’s Rants and Cents: Can the mutual society mould make things better?

Ruan Jooste|Published

According to media reports mutual societies are enjoying a renaissance in the financial services sector in some parts of the world.

Listen: Risk management in an investment setting. And context is everything!

Ruan Jooste|Published

Predicting investment risk is challenging for a plethora of reasons, including the complexity of markets, the uncertainty factor, and of course basic human behaviour, ...

Ruan Jooste’s Rants and Cents: Court application pending to declare Futuregrowth CIO a delinquent director. But will it stick? ...

Ruan Jooste|Published

An application has been made to the High Court of South Africa in the Western Cape by a small CIPC-registered private company, called HoldSA, to have well-known ...

Listen: Girl Math is trending on social, but does it make money sense?

Ruan Jooste|Published

If you’ve never heard of the term Girl Math, neither have I until recently. It is a social media trend where young women (and Generation Z in particular) justify ...

Ruan Jooste Rants and Cents: Be careful when planning your legacy

Ruan Jooste|Published

It is the last week of wills month, which is an annual awareness campaign around a very important part of estate planning. Planning one’s own mortality is often ...

Ruan Jooste’s Rants and Cents: GEPF’s latest plan is a misguided political ploy

Ruan Jooste|Published

The Government Employees Pension Fund chairperson Dondo Mogajane launched the GEPF’s Transformation Policy last week, marking a watershed move for economic transformation ...

Ruan Jooste’s Rants and Cents: My pet peeves and the matter of price

Ruan Jooste|Published

Woolworths recently announced the launch of a comprehensive pet insurance product, WPetInsure, which became available in mid-August 2023. ...

Listen: The SA tax system punishes investments and income generation

Ruan Jooste|Published

There is very little which is not taxed in South Africa, from sales to sins, even savings. As a matter of fact, the South African tax system is structured in such ...

A penny advised is a penny earned

Ruan Jooste|Published

Each year, global financial planning professionals come together for World Financial Planning Day to help raise awareness of the value of financial planning and ...

Listen: Tax and Trusts - Sars is watching you

Ruan Jooste|Published

At last month’s South African Institute of Taxation Tax Indaba, trusts were on the agenda again. And the South African Revenue Service (Sars) new measures of ensuring ...

Ruan Jooste’s Rants and Cents: EasyEquities offers options for the more modest man

Ruan Jooste|Published

Rich people have always used their equity portfolios to tap into cheap loans and avoid large tax bills.

Ruan Jooste’s Rants and Cents: Women account for half the country’s credit-active population

Ruan Jooste|Published

Women’s month has come and gone, but their financial deposition has not. According to the latest Experian Consumer Default Index (CDIx) for the second quarter, South ...

Ruan Jooste’s Rants and Cents: You just cannot tax unhealthy habits away

Ruan Jooste|Published

Sweden’s government said this week it planned to abolish a tax on plastic bags as of November 2024, a move heavily criticised by environmental groups. “We’re convinced ...

You cannot tax unhealthy habits away

Ruan Jooste|Published

RANTS AND CENTS: Thinking that simply implementing a tax will reach some sustainability target or health benefit in a few years is an absolute fallacy, writes Ruan ...

Listen: Wills Week- How your marriage arrangement impacts your estate planning

Ruan Jooste|Published

It is National Wills Week, the annual national awareness campaign championed by the law society, that looks into one very important part of estate planning - having ...

There is light at end of tunnel for over-indebted SA consumers

Ruan Jooste|Published

OPINION: South African consumers have become so over-indebted that any additional credit lines are starting to run very thin, but not all hope should be lost as ...

Ruan Jooste’s Rants and Cents: Behavioural finance seeks to explain money mindsets

Ruan Jooste|Published

Legendary investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett turned 93 this year, and according to Forbes, he is worth $106 billion. That means on average he’s ...

There is a light at the end of the tunnel for over-indebted consumers

Ruan Jooste|Published

According to the National Credit Regulator’s (NCR) Credit Bureau Monitor for March 2023, South Africa currently has 27. 07 million credit active consumers with 90. ...

Ruan Jooste’s Rants and Cents: Confidence in the Reserve Bank gets lost in translation

Ruan Jooste|Published

I still have so many questions around the South African Reserve Bank’s (Sarb) year-long investigation and report into the controversial Phala Phala scandal.

Listen: Capitec's growth story and their view on money safety

Ruan Jooste|Published

In March, reached the 20 million clients milestone and it now owns the biggest market share compared to older banks. We have Francois Viviers, Group Executive: Marketing ...

Confidence in Reserve Bank gets lost in translation

Ruan Jooste|Published

RANTS AND CENTS: I still have so many questions around the South African Reserve Bank’s year-long investigation and report into the controversial Phala Phala scandal, ...

Ruan Jooste’s Rants and Cents: Does the separation of State and Church, mean it should be above the law?

Ruan Jooste|Published

When the proposal to regulate religious practitioners in South Africa was put forward by the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, ...

Sunday Independent