Rights and responsibilities for kids this Human Rights Month

Every child has a right to education. But with every right there is a responsibility. Picture: Pixabay

Every child has a right to education. But with every right there is a responsibility. Picture: Pixabay

Published Mar 11, 2023


Cape Town - The month of March in South Africa is dedicated to human rights. All children in South Africa have rights, but did you know that your rights come with responsibilities?

This month the Jellybean Journal will be sharing some of your human rights and responsibilities. Ready? Let’s begin with our first three rights and responsibilities this week.

1. Children have the right to an education. Going to school and receiving an education is a basic human right. Mom and dad are under strict instruction under the Constitution to make sure you are receiving an education.

Responsibility: You have the responsibility to ensure you go to school, listen to your teachers and do your school work to the best of your ability.

2. The right to family care, love and protection. Mom and dad should ensure you are safe and live in a loving home.

Responsibility: Yours is to make sure you give love, respect and care back to others, especially grown-ups.

3. The right to medical care. You have a right to go to a doctor when sick and a dentist when your teeth ache.

Responsibility: You have the responsibility to drink water, eat healthy and stay warm when it is cold so that you do not get sick. Brush your teeth regularly, and floss well.

Many heroic men and women fought so that you may enjoy the rights you have today. Don’t take them for granted. Always remember that every right has a responsibility.