Booi: People invade land to jump housing queue



Published Nov 26, 2021


Cape Town - People invade land with the hope that they will jump the housing queue. This is according to the mayco member for Human Settlements, Malusi Booi.

He was responding to a question by councillor Ditlhare Ngubelanga from the AIC in council about what will happen to the people who have been staying over a year on a piece of land that is about to be sold.

Khayelitsha businessman Bulelani Skaap, popularly known as “Ace Mabheka”, is looking to purchase the land adjacent to his popular hangout place, Kwa Ace, for around R1.8 million and use it for creating parking spaces. Council documents state that Skaap promised to compensate the people who are on the land if the purchase goes through. It was not stated what kind of compensation.

“I am not against the sale of the piece land, but my concern is what will happen to the people staying there,” asked Ngubelanga.

Matlhodi Maseko, a member of the provincial parliament and DA Western Cape spokesperson on human settlements, revealed that there had been 1024 land invasions on City-owned land since March last year.

“People invade land with the hope that tomorrow they will get housing opportunities. All cases are assessed, and we prioritise people that have long on our waiting list.”

Booi said this, yet, the Cape Town municipality has never approved nor given housing opportunities to new informal settlements younger than five years.

Good Party, PA and the EFF supported that the land be given to Skaap but said it should be free as the businessman would create job opportunities for locals.

Weekend Argus