ANC deny their councillor is in trouble despite assault case opened



Published Jun 25, 2022


Cape Town - The ANC in the Theewaterskloof Municipality (TWK) has denied reports of tensions within the party are causing division and threatening their coalition. The Theewaterskloof Municipality is governed by a multi-party coalition between the ANC, Good Party, and Patriotic Alliance.

DA Constituency chairperson Martie Koegelenberg said ANC members in TWK are displeased with ANC Speaker Derick Appel, and coalition whip, Raymond Nongxaza.

She said a meeting was said that tensions reached such heights that ANC councillor and Mayco member, Princess Lesesa, allegedly assaulted party member Neziza Mdwara, at the party’s meeting.

“Mismanagement, corruption, and cadre deployment in Theewaterskloof are becoming an embarrassment for the ANC, and cracks in the party are starting to show.

“The DA caucus will write to the Speaker, calling for an urgent investigation into the matter to determine whether councillor Lesesa breached the council’s code of conduct.”

Mdwara confirmed to the Weekend Argus that she was assaulted and a case has been opened. “Princess attacked me with her friend after a meeting in Caledon. Members of the ANC have been killed in Overberg and I opened the case for my safety because I do not know what will happen to me next as they came charging to me.”

Police spokesperson Captain FC van Wyk confirmed that a common case assault case was opened in Grabouw for investigation and the case was later transferred to Caledon SAPS for further investigation. “Investigations continue and no arrests have been made yet.”

Lesesa could not be reached for comment but ANC provincial spokesperson Sifiso Mtsweni denied the reports saying Koegelenberg made up the allegations. “We do not have any conclusive facts on the matter beyond what is rumoured. The rumour went further to say that an assaulted member opened a case, but we do not have that case. There is no police case that we are aware of.”

He went further to say the DA is pushing allegations of infighting within the party to divert the municipality from investigating alleged corruption. “The ANC caucus has been calling for a number of forensic investigations which will implicate a lot of corruption on the part of the DA. When things come to their side, they jump the gun.”

He also said the DA uses their provincial leaders to meddle in municipalities that have ANC coalitions.

The ANC will meet on Monday where the case against the councillor is expected to be brought up.

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