Things kids can do to beat boredom in the holidays

A list of things kids can do during school holidays to keep busy and active. Picture: Facebook

A list of things kids can do during school holidays to keep busy and active. Picture: Facebook

Published Oct 7, 2023


Cape Town – With just a few more days left until schools reopen for the fourth term, here are some last-minute ideas to keep kids occupied.

Find materials around your home and get crafty.

Great examples are creating fun masks with paper plates. Here are some simple steps from the Kids Activities Blog that you can follow to create fun masks for you and your friends.

Supplies needed:

Paper plates




Toilet paper rolls

Pipe cleaner or string


1. Start by cutting out the shape. Get creative, cut out an animal, cartoon character or even a flower.

2. Cut two holes for eyes. These will be the eye holes.

3. Paint the mask with watercolours.

4. Once dried, stamp the mask with a toilet paper roll and glue – apply glue to one end of the cardboard tube and press on to the mask to make glue circles or ovals.

5. Sprinkle glitter on top.

6. Punch two holes on either side of the mask and thread pipe cleaners (or string) through the holes and connect to fit over your face.

If crafts are not your thing, then maybe help mom and dad in the kitchen and make your favourite recipe.

Outside play can be fun too. Games such as hopscotch, hide-and-seek, kick the can and four square keep you active.

Reading a book can help keep keep boredom at bay. Children's books such as “Wonderful Seasons”, “Dork Diaries”, “Space Boy” are entertaining holiday reads.

Helping other people can also keep you occupied. You can help pick up litter on the streets, help with chores around the house or help in the garden. These activities will help to keep kids busy, active and making money at the same time.