‘I felt like a whirlwind pushed me’



Published Jun 9, 2024


FOR 20 years, Jerry and Rita Matthew worked hard to build their home but in an instant it was taken away from them as last Monday’s tornado destroyed everything they owned.

Jerry, 61, and Rita, 58, who are both unemployed, live in Jan Roz, Fairbreeze. A few years ago, Jerry suffered a stroke and found it difficult to talk or walk.

Rita said she was in her lounge and Jerry was in their bedroom when it started to hail.

“The hail stopped for a few seconds and then the rain began to pour. Seconds later, I felt like a whirlwind pushed me from my living room through the open glass sliding door and into the patio. I held onto the balcony railing, while all my belongings from my lounge and kitchen blew toward me.”

Rita said her legs became trapped.

“I was screaming for help. My table and chairs were all against me and then, all of a sudden, my sliding door shattered and pieces of the glass injured my face. I knew I had to get free. I continuously moved and twisted my legs until I was free.”

She said her first thought was to check on her husband.

“I rushed to our bedroom to find him bleeding. He had been injured on the face. I brought him to the lounge and I tried to get out of the house but the door would not open. I was afraid to push the door in case everything fell on us. I screamed for my neighbour, who then helped us to get out.”

The mother of four said her home of 20 years was unrecognisable.

“Going through my belongings and trying to salvage items have not been easy. Our belongings are filled with memories and are a reminder of how hard my husband and I worked to build our home. It brings tears to my eyes to see that our roof has caved in and all our clothing and furniture soaked with water lying on our floor,” said Rita.

She said they were scared to live in their home.

“I feel like this house could collapse at any moment. We don’t feel safe. We will be staying with family, while we try to rebuild our lives.”


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