Family drama and laughs in Monster-in-Law

Aunty Sheila

Aunty Sheila

Published Mar 21, 2024


IN 2016, Theshen Naicker posted a video following the death of his grandmother. It was of a glamourous, fashionable Indian aunty, who was not afraid to "say it like it is". This video marked the birth of his alter-ego, the sassy Aunty Sheila.

Today, Aunty Sheila is a household name on social media and she has already starred in four stage productions. The long-haired beauty, with a bindi to boot, is gearing for her new show, Monster-in-Law, which will be staged at The Globe at Suncoast next month.

Speaking on the birth of Aunty Sheila, Naicker, 38, of Musgrave, said: "I made the video because I wanted to keep my grandmother's legacy, spirit and personality alive. Aunty Sheila is not afraid to 'say it like it is'. She loves fashion and style and wants to highlight some of the social ills in society in a light hearted fun-spirited manner. People like her because she speaks about socially-relevant concepts."

If you did not know, other than fashion, she loves to cook, is married to a prominent man who affords her the glamorous lifestyle she lives, and she has two sons: One is a doctor and the other an actuary in London. She loves travelling and shopping in India. Her saris are usually designer pieces and her make-up is only done by her grandson.

Naicker said Aunty Sheila, who previously starred in Hello Darlings, You’re Hired, Aunty Sheila Reloaded and Sunderella - was now a seasoned actress.

"In Mother-in-Law, Aunty Sheila is excited to announce to the world that she is planning her youngest son's wedding. She wants it to be the wedding of the year; even competing with the famous and trending Ambani wedding.

"She has her idea of what her son’s wedding is going to be like. However, her future daughter-in-law Rakhee (played by Adelia Padayachee) is not impressed and has a different vision of what her wedding will look like.

“This leaves Aunty Sheila's son Koveshan (Vashil Ramdhree) in a difficult position, trying to bring peace to a volatile situation that’s about to explode between the two women he loves the most in his life.

“For extra drama, Vanitha (Reicene Pillay) is a member from the temple service group, who competes with Aunty Sheila and tries to outshine her. She is constantly upset that Aunty Sheila is favoured by the temple group and tries to gossip and defame her.

"The monster will be revealed at the end of the play and for now, is the secret. The audience can decide who the real monster is," said Naicker, who wrote the play.

He added: "We have created an authentic Bollywood experience with song, dance and plenty of comedy and nail biting drama. This comedy show will leave you laughing off your seats."

We asked Aunty Sheila what advice she should give to a "typical" Indian mother-in-law, who was unhappy with her son's choice in a wife and made it known?

She said: "Understand your role as a mother. You are there to raise your child but once they are adults, their choices are theirs. If your son is happy with his wife, then you should focus on that alone. His happiness and not what makes you as a mother happy."

Advice for the daughter-in-law: "Always stand your ground in a respectful but assertive manner. Make it known that you will live your life and have your own experiences and it will not be dictated by anyone else."

And finally, the son caught between his mother and wife: "Happy wife, happy life. It is his duty to correct his mother and make her understand that his wife will now be his priority and his future. Give your wife the respect and importance that she deserves and create your own castle for your queen."

Monster-in-Law will be staged on April 6. Tickets can be purchased via and from Spar grocery stores.

WIN: To win tickets to the show, get your copy of the POST. The competition closes on Friday.