Hang out with the Dingalings

From left: Henry Ramkissoon, Senzo Mthethwa and Koobeshen Naidoo will feature in the Dingalings Production’s new show. Picture: Supplied

From left: Henry Ramkissoon, Senzo Mthethwa and Koobeshen Naidoo will feature in the Dingalings Production’s new show. Picture: Supplied

Published Aug 29, 2023


DINGALINGS Production will return to Suncoast after 15 years, with a new comedy show in September.

Kumseela Naidoo, the head of marketing and public relations for the Dingalings, said the show, Hanging with the Dingalings, would feature Koobeshen Naidoo, Henry Ramkissoon and Senzo Mthethwa.

She said the adult comedy show would take place during Heritage Month and pay tribute to their identity as Durbanites and proud South Africans celebrating their cultural heritage and identity

“Apart from the laugh-a-minute comedy and nostalgic stories from yesteryear, audiences will be treated to song and dance from some of Durban’s finest artists. With the usual Dingalings flair, audiences are promised the best laugh they would have all year. They will definitely recognise familiar characters portrayed in their own lives. The toe-tapping music is bound to set them on a journey down memory lane.”

Naidoo told POST that the Dingalings had about 50 comedy shows in their repertoire.

“The Dingalings’ first performance was at the Super Nova Cinema at Suncoast. It was called 4 Dingalings and a Ding, and featured Koobeshen, Henry, Vivian Moodley, Ravi Soobramoney and myself. The venue is the largest seating arena in the complex and we were sold out over three shows, with a call for an extra show. This was about 18 years ago.”

She said the Dingalings valued their relationships.

“We are one of the few theatre groups that have stood the test of time. Our director, Yugan Naidoo, always insisted on discipline. Performers had to be in the theatre two hours before a show to do a tech run, iron out any last-minute changes and warm up.

“He always expected us to bring our A-game to the show. Respect for patrons and an appreciation that they chose to spend their money with us, despite harsh the economic conditions, always informed the quality of our performance.

“After each show, no matter how late, we debriefed and discussed how to improve the following day’s performance. We were always given a laugh count as well. It is rare to get a laugh a minute, but the Dingalings shows boasted approximately 20 laughs a minute.

“Audiences could resonate with the messages that were portrayed. They saw a slice of their own life on stage and were thrilled to have these no-holds-barred performers say what they thought. All the comedians agree that they get hooked on comedy once they get their first laugh.”

She added: “The group has maintained its respect for their audience and their craft. This has ensured a career that spanned 20 years and lifelong friendships. The success of the shows also come from these prolonged friendships that make it easy for the comedians to gel with each other. They are always in sync, creating authentic performances that audiences love.”

Koobeshen, who is married to Kumseela and appeared in The Kandasamys movies and e.tv’s Imbewu the Seed, wrote, directed and performed various shows with the Dingalings.

“I remember being backstage during the first show at Suncoast, waiting to enter and feeling nervous that we were sold out. I could not remember my first line and kept going back to the script to check. Just as the announcement came on for the beginning of the first scene, I choked on popcorn I had nervously shoved into my mouth. I never eat popcorn backstage now,” he joked.

Koobeshen, a presenter on Lotus FM’s weekend Recharge show, said he valued the relationships that have developed during their Dingalings journey.

“I value the amazing friendships with Ravi, Yugan, Senzo and Henry and their families, to name the main ones. We have been together through everything; from family parties and functions to the birth of our children and grandchildren, to our children’s weddings. The best thing was having Kumseela next to me throughout this fabulous journey. I would not change a thing,” he said.

Ramkissoon is a theatre and stand-up comedy stalwart. He has 20 years of theatrical, film and radio experiences.

He said seeing that crowd at the first Suncoast show was unreal: “I thought ‘wow, this is unreal, this is going to be fun’; and then, the reality check: ‘I’ve got to be on top of my game here’. My first instinct was run away,” he joked.

He said he valued the friendships made, relationships built and memories created over the years: “With the Dingalings a dream was realised. Making people laugh is everything.”

Mthethwa started his comedic career with Koobeshen and Ramkissoon as his mentors.

The new show is a two-hour performance that has a 16 parental guidance age restriction. Tickets are available from ticket pro online or Ticketpro at Spar supermarkets.


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