New offer may end Rea Vaya strike

Published Sep 19, 2011


FORTY-thousand commuters have been stranded and hundreds of drivers have gone eight weeks without pay, but there may be an end to the Rea Vaya strike tomorrow.

Negotiations came to yet another standstill on Friday after bus operation company PioTrans and drivers, represented by the SA Municipal Workers Union (Samwu), could not come to a wage hike compromise.

However, mediators put forward a new proposal to settle the wage issue.

Samwu bus sector manager Dion Makhura said the two sides had reached consensus on the issues of pension funds, yearly bonuses and medical aid for drivers, but the wage increase remained a sticking point.

A new offer – said to be R7 000 a month – was tabled by the mediators, with Samwu saying the union would need to consult workers. Drivers have demanded up to 200 percent more, with a rise from R5 000 to R6 000 a month, to R15 000 in some instances. – Shain Germaner

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