Cop shootings and suicides rock school

Published Aug 8, 2011


Eric Mashaba

THE INDEPENDENT Complaints Directorate is investigating police conduct following the shooting of two pupils during a protest at an Mpumalanga school where a pupil committed suicide.

The child was the third pupil there to commit suicide this year.

ICD spokesman Tiyani Sambo confirmed that the directorate was investigating the shooting of two girls from Mhlume Secondary School in the impoverished Zwelisha area near Kabokweni outside Mbombela on July 25.

According to Rose Longwe, 30, the protest started after her 18-year-old sister Badalile’s suicide at the school last month.

“The protest began after my sister, who was in Grade 11, was found hanged inside her room at home. This shocked the whole family, neighbours and her schoolmates,” Longwe said.

She said a suicide note was found on her sister’s body but the family were too shocked to read it.

“The police took the note and we have not seen it since. We do not know why she committed suicide… she never complained about anything to the family.”

A pupil, who refused to be named for fear of victimisation, said pupils had accused the school principal, known as Mr Mdaka, of using supernatural powers to cause pupils to commit suicide.

“This is the third pupil to commit suicide. We want Mr Mdaka removed or else we will take the law into our hands.”

The boy said: “I don’t want to be put on the list of pupils who must die at this school. If you publish my name or picture, I will be the next one to die.”

A teacher, who asked to be anonymous, said the pupils started protesting at the school after they heard that another pupil had committed suicide.

“They disrupted lessons and began chanting songs against Mdaka. They accused him of practising witchcraft and blamed him for the deaths of the three pupils.”

Sibusiso Sayiya, 28, told of having seen one of his sisters being shot by a police officer.

“During the protest I was standing inside the yard at home when a police patrol vehicle came. One policeman was carrying his service pistol and he fired live rounds at the pupils. I was shocked to see my sister get shot in the back… and I rushed and asked other people to help me carry her into the house.”

Sayiya said the bullet had entered his sister’s back and went through her abdomen.

“I thought she was going to die, but luckily there was an ambulance nearby and the paramedic did not hesitate and took her to Themba Hospital in Kabokweni.”

The family were planning to sue Minister of Police Nathi Mthethwa for the injuries and trauma suffered.

The media were refused permission to speak to Felicia Sanderson, a pupil injured in the legs during the shooting.

Families whose children committed suicide also refused to speak to the media.

Provincial education spokesman Jasper Zwane said the department would wait for the ICD to conclude its investigation before commenting. – African Eye News Service

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