Blood flows in Soweto gang war

Published Oct 26, 2011



P UPILS at Daliwonga Secondary School in Dube fear for their safety after four of their schoolmates were attacked during a gang-related incident.

The four pupils had to be hospitalised with serious multiple wounds yesterday after being attacked with baseball bats, knives and pangas while on their way to school, following the escalation of a turf war between rival gangs from Mofolo, Meadowlands and Orlando West.

The warring gangs are Mavarara from Meadowlands Zone 10, Triple Zero from Mofolo North and, to a lesser extent, London Boys from Orlando West.

At the heart of the conflict is Dorothy Nyembe Park, which borders these areas. Each gang is said to claim that their township should control the park.

Tensions between the gangs have been simmering for months, but escalated in the last two weeks after two Mavarara members were killed, allegedly by their Triple Zero rivals.

Yesterday, Mavarara members targeted Daliwonga pupils as they were going to school. Daliwonga is in Dube, which borders Mofolo North, from which the feared Triple Zero hails.

Armed with knives, pangas, baseball bats and bricks, the marauding gang of about 35 men indiscriminately attacked unsuspecting pupils. There were claims that some were brandishing guns.

The gang tried to rape a pupil, some of her schoolmates said.

Among the wounded pupils were Nkosinathi Sibanyoni, 19, who is in Grade 11, and Mzwandile Zodladla, 17, who is in Grade 9. Zodladla sustained serious stab wounds to his forehead and chest.

Recounting his ordeal, Sibanyoni said he had been walking with three schoolmates just before 8am when he saw about six young men trying to rape a pupil.

“They were dragging her towards the bushes. I tried to assist her. They started beating us with baseball bats and bricks. I fell and they kept beating me even when I was lying down begging for mercy.

“As they were beating me, they kept asking me if I was a Triple Zero (member). I said ‘no’ but they kept beating me.”

He managed to escape, and ran to the school.

Zodladla said he was approaching a bridge, which is about 100m from the school, when he was attacked. “They asked me if I was a Triple Zero. Before I could reply, one guy took out a knife and stabbed me on my forehead. I tried to grab the knife but another guy stabbed me on my chest.”

Zodladla said he was now afraid to go to school. “They said they were not done with us and will come back. I am scared.”

Asked if he knew who his attackers were, he said: “The problem is that some other guys were killed by guys from Mofolo North. I think they are trying to pay revenge. But the problem is that they are attacking everybody.”

Zodladla’s aunt said they were worried. “I am shocked. As parents, we are very worried. How will our children go to school? How will they learn and write exams?” she asked.

Gauteng Department of Education spokesman Charles Phahlane said the department was concerned about the safety of pupils at Daliwonga.

“The stabbing incident… is related to a gang in the area. The gang has in the past harassed learners going to school, and recently learners beat one of the gang members.

“The gang laid an ambush at the railway crossing and stabbed four learners,” he said, adding that the department was talking to the police in an effort to safeguard the pupils.

Police could be seen patrolling the area yesterday. Repeated attempts to establish how many suspects had been arrested were unsuccessful.

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