Do not dare us, Dada

Kenneth Mokgatlhe. Picture: Supplied

Kenneth Mokgatlhe. Picture: Supplied

Published Aug 27, 2024


Do not dare us, Dada. Do not start with us. City of Joburg’s mayor, Dada Morero must never test our patience by making irresponsible statements. It is clear that South Africa is already paying a heavy price for immigration crisis, however, Dada is showing us the middle finger.

It is public knowledge that the porous borders and unregulated immigration levels in SA have expanded socio-econonic challenges such as unemployment, crime, poverty and many others.

It is reckless for a mayor to encourage immigration in a country which is already struggling to cater for it's own citizens. Where have you seen South Africans being employed by another government throughout the world?

China, France, US or UK have never hired African migrants because they could not hear their language. The excuse that Dada is giving is shallow and I believe it warrants the relevant law enforcement agencies to investigate him because there could have been some weaknesses on the part of the ANC to screen him.

I once worked for Department of Public Works in 2017 as an intern, I was taken aback when I was only vetted or screened after three weeks of my employment. The government’s security and screening system is so weak that many foreign nationals continue to infiltrate our government as employees or tenderpreneurs.

As a freelance journalist, I’ve been covering corruption in the North West Provincial Government wherein some municipalities have given tenders to people from Zimbabwe. In an instance where a South African wins a tender, they hire foreign nationals to exploit cheap labour while South Africans are roaming in the streets, taverns and spaza shops with nothing to do. We have a lot of unpatriotic fellows such as Dada.

Kenny Kunene was right about SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC), we have these important institutions as well as state departments which have been infiltrated by these foreign nationals who are exploiting these privileges to advance their nefarious agenda.

All our government institutions including our universities must be reserved and prioritised to indigenous South Africans. It does not make sense to have academia from neighbouring countries when our own are roaming the streets. It is clear then that our institutions of government have been infiltrated by buffoons such as Dada who do not think before they talk.

Our priorities should be to fight poverty, inequality and unemployment. How does hiring of foreign nationals help to solve those problems which are pushing many South Africans to abject poverty. I think Dada is divorced from the reality of our country. He does not understand the challenges faced by youth in the city he is supposed to lead.

It is now becoming clearer that Gwamanda was as useless as Dada but he never made the stupid suggestions. City of Joburg have not been luckier after the removal of Dr Mpho Phalatse as the mayor.

We have an immigration crisis and porous borders as a result of the ANC which was obsessed with pleasing the world when its own people were growingly becoming poorer by the day.

Dada should embark on a campaign to clean the city of illegal foreigners and work closely with Department of Home Affairs and deport them. You do not negotiate with an illegal foreigners, our country should address their countries and warn them about their citizens. South Africans cannot suffer the consequences of mismanagement by the ANC and those of the countries the illegal foreigners are coming from.

Mokgatlhe is a political analyst, researcher and columnist.

The Star