Star sign clichés v reality: Astrologer uncovers the biggest star sign misconceptions

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Published Aug 2, 2023


Johannesburg - Several star signs frequently experience an onslaught of slander on social media, from “vicious” Scorpios to “two-faced” Geminis.

With the help of psychic expert and astrologer Inbaal Honigman, Psychic Chat Provider has set the record straight to debunk some of the most common zodiac sign clichés.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Myth: Aries are constantly angry.

Truth: An Aries is joyous and playful; if they do become angry, it won’t be for too long.

“Aries are ruled by the red planet Mars, planet of sex and war. Therefore, all Aries emotions are big. Their enthusiasm is bombastic. Their joy is unparalleled,” Honigman said.

“Similarly, their rage can move mountains. Thankfully, Aries can only sustain such grand emotions for a short while. Soon, they simmer down and go back to being their playful selves.”

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Myth: Taureans are lazy.

Truth: Taureans are cautious and will go out of their way to assist others.

“Taurus is an Earth sign, which is the most stable element. This is why they don't run before they can walk and don't keep busy for the sake of being in motion,” Honigman said.

“Not fans of taking risks, they love to take a rest and replenish their resources, and they'll get up again if anything is needed. A Taurus will go out of their way for friends and loved ones and will be the first to volunteer if anything needs doing.”

Gemini (May 21 June 20)

Myth: Geminis are two-faced.

Truth: Geminis see both sides of the argument.

“Gemini is represented by the symbol of the twins, which illustrates their dual personality. A Gemini can see both sides of the argument, and can be both for and against multiple important issues,” Honigman said.

“It doesn’t look great when they agree with one side and then agree with the exact opposite, but they listen and accept all points of view.”

Cancer (June 21 July 22)

Myth: Cancers are too emotional.

Truth: Cancers are great listeners and are not just invested in their own emotions.

“Cancer is a water sign, and like other water signs, they live and die by their emotions. They feel things deeply, for themselves but mostly for others,” Honigman said.

“The sign of Cancer is all about the family. They love having everyone in their living room, from blood relations to good friends who are 'like family'. Cancerians have a great depth of emotion and can hold the space for you to safely express your own emotions too.”

Leo (July 23 August 22)

Myth: Leos are egotistical.

Truth: Leos have a love for success that also extends to everyone else.

“Leo loves success. The sign of Leo is ruled by the sun and is therefore bright, visible, and larger than life. They try their hand at anything and truly believe there's no such thing as impossible,” Honigman said.

“A little-known fact about Leos is that their love for success extends to everyone else too. They're wonderful agents, mentors and advocates because when they see someone they trained find the success they deserve, the Leo will feel a sense of satisfaction as if they've achieved it themselves.”

Virgo (August 23 September 22)

Myth: Virgos are perfectionists.

Truth: Virgos are not perfectionists; they are simply methodical in the way they approach things.

“Virgo likes to think first and act second. Instead of jumping on every opportunity, they'll take a minute to see if this opportunity truly serves their higher purpose or if it's just a distraction,” Honigman said.

“A Virgo won't fuss for the sake of fussing, and they do love to relax as well, but if something needs doing, they'd rather do it now.”

Libra (September 23 October 22)

Myth: Libras are indecisive.

Truth: Libras are not indecisive; instead, they understand the duality of life.

“Libra, like other dual signs, is happy to listen to both sides of the argument. They pay attention to 'he said/she said' situations, and they know that every opinion has some value and a grain of truth in it. But they refuse to be the judge,” Honigman said.

“If you make them pick sides, they will push right back, as the Libra wants to be friends with both parties. Librans understand human nature and how fickle it can be.”

Scorpio (October 23 November 21)

Myth: Scorpios are jealous.

Truth: Scorpios are passionate but also selfless.

“Their traditional ruler is Mars, the planet of sex and war, and so Scorpio's emotions are broad, fiery, and passionate. Scorpio's modern ruler is Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, which is why they're capable of personal reinvention,” Honigman said.

“A sign this perplexing will be easily misunderstood, but it's important to remember that Scorpios don't have a selfish bone in their bodies and are actually quite self-sacrificing. Their complexity is harder on them than it is on those around them.”

Sagittarius (November 22 December 21)

Myth: Sagittarians are unreliable.

Truth: Sagittarians are adventurous.

“Sagittarians love adventure. They love not knowing where their next meal comes from. They love flying by the seat of their pants,” Honigman said.

“The dislike they have for institutions, long meetings, and pointless rituals is only natural, considering their fondness for constant stimulation. They like for life to be colourful, noisy, and hilarious, and if you can't match their energy, they won't force you to.”

Capricorn (December 22 January 19)

Myth: Capricorns are work-obsessed.

Truth: Capricorns are hard-working but put just as much passion into relaxing.

“Capricorn is a hard-working sign, and they put 100% effort into anything they do. A dedicated, practical sign, a Capricorn puts just as much passion into relaxing if it's scheduled in the diary properly,” Honigman said.

“Whether the mission is fun or challenging, the Capricorn will approach it with the same 'can-do' attitude.”

Aquarius (January 20 February 18)

Myth: Aquarians are antisocial.

Truth: Aquarians place humanity above anything else.

“Aquarius is probably the most idealistic of the Zodiac. Aquarians are humanitarians, committed to justice and social causes, and that can sometimes take over their lives,” Honigman said.

“They can form loving and fulfilling relationships with other people and can even thrive in groups, but if they see an injustice, they rush to fix it. The truth of the matter is, Aquarians place humanity above anything else.”

Pisces (February 19 March 20)

Myth: Pisces are too naive.

Truth: Pisces are optimistic dreamers and will uplift those around them.

“Pisces are dreamers and proud of it. They create fantasy worlds as artists, creatives, writers, and painters. They love working in the caring industries as nurses, psychotherapists, and healers, and even in those careers, their special gift is creating alternate realities for their patients,” Honigman said.

“A Pisces will share their optimism and uplift those around them, giving them hope and therefore strength.”

The Star

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