Malema says youth are ready to be led

Published Jun 16, 2023


EFF leader Julius Malema, who was with the elderly at the EFF 10th anniversary celebration at eNtokozweni Village in KwaZulu-Natal ahead of his maiden address for the Youth Day commemoration, says that the youth is ready to be led.

He said the youth needs someone who has time for them, who harnesses energy and gives it direction.

Speaking to the elderly, he said the current generation is not lost, but rather a generation that wants mentorship.

Children performing a traditional Zulu dance at ENtokozweni Village singing and dancing during the EFF 10th anniversary in KwaZulu Natal.Image: Screenshot

“So let’s all go and celebrate the 1976 generation that made this day possible. Because if it was not for the 1976 generation, when they say Malema is coming there was going to be a hippo of police outside, of soldiers outside.

“This meeting was going to be disrupted, we were not allowed to come together like this.”

Malema said the youth of South Africa should take advantage of lessons gained from elders.

The party said South African youth today faced massive challenges, of massive unemployment, lack of access to education, and neglect by the ruling elite.

“We call on the youth to reignite its defiant spirit and have a passion for education, as well as draw inspiration from the 1976 generation, which calls for ‘less alcohol, more education’,”.

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effjulius malema