Google reveals top sustainability-related trends in SA

The most frequently asked environmental sustainability questions on Google in South Africa pertained to global warming and climate change. Picture: Pawel Kopczynski Reuters

The most frequently asked environmental sustainability questions on Google in South Africa pertained to global warming and climate change. Picture: Pawel Kopczynski Reuters

Published Apr 21, 2023


Johannesburg - In celebration of Earth Day, popular search engine Google has released data highlighting the top sustainability-related trends in South Africa.

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 to raise awareness about environmental issues.

Data shared reveals South Africans’ growing interest in environmental issues as they search for answers to questions and learn more about the pressing concerns of our planet.

South Africans have also shown interest in knowing more about environmental terms and concepts, such as global warming and climate change.

In simple terms, global warming is the gradual increase in Earth’s temperature due to human activities, while climate change refers to the wider effects of global warming, including changes in weather patterns and more extreme weather events.

Both of these issues have a significant impact on South Africa’s environment, economy and society. The most frequently asked questions on Google in South Africa include:

1. What is global warming?

2. What is climate change?

3. What causes global warming?

4. What are the effects of global warming?

5. How to prevent global warming?

Google’s data also highlights the number one trending topic in South Africa, showcasing a growing interest in these areas.

Flooding and heatwaves, such as the severe heatwave experienced in January 2023, are two extreme weather events that are becoming more frequent and intense due to climate change.

It is also reported that during a heatwave, temperatures reached 40ºC in some parts of the country, causing widespread power outages, crop damage and livestock deaths.

This event served as a reminder of the threat of climate change and the need for South Africa to act and adapt to a changing climate. The top trending topics are:

1. Flood

2. Heatwave

3. Solar lamp

4. Solar power

5. Environmental, social, and corporate governance

6. Wildfire

7. Wind turbine

8. Wind power

9. Hydropower

10. Carbon footprint

The most searched topics showcase a range of environmental subjects that South Africans are eager to explore:

1. Solar energy

2. Solar power

3. Flood

4. Climate

5. Recycling

6. Climate change

7. Used goods

8. Veganism

9. Sustainability

10. Pollution

Google spokesperson Siya Madikane reflected on these findings and emphasised the importance of individual and collective action on environmental issues, saying: “Climate change is one of humanity’s most urgent challenges, and Earth Month is an opportunity for all of us to consider how we can make a difference. By providing accessible information on environmental topics, we hope to empower South Africans to take action for a more sustainable future. It’s not just about what Google does; it’s about how we can all work together to protect our planet.”

The data highlights South Africa’s growing awareness and commitment to sustainability and environmental protection.

As the country faces challenges in combating climate change, such as extreme weather events and the need for sustainable energy sources, the increased attention to these issues is a testament to the growing public engagement on Earth Day and beyond.

The Star

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googleglobal warming