How smartphones and apps changed the way we communicate

File picture: Pexels

File picture: Pexels

Published Jul 15, 2020


What were once large and bulky luxury items have become small, compact devices that we can not live without. Smartphones have really taken a 180-degrees turn in how we communicate in the current space.

Cellphones have come a long way since their inception. At first, the only function was to provide people with the means to call and be called anytime without being connected to any line. It eventually evolved and added more features to it and before we knew it we had what we call today as smartphones.

With smartphones, life got easier to a point where you could do everything on your smartphone, apps got bigger by the day and communication got easier, as people get a chance to facetime, Snapchat and like or comment on Facebook posts.

Remember when Apple first introduced Siri? Everyone was blown away with the ability to interact/communicate with your phone like that. You could literally ask Siri to update your status on Facebook, launch an app on your phone, and to call mom without you not having to touch the dial pad on your phone.

Let’s track back and check out some of the apps that changed how we communicate with our smartphones.


Created in 2004, it took the world by storm it has created a place where people share their thoughts, songs they like even checked in places they have visited, and communicating with a larger community.


It has definitely replaced the SMS bundles that we used to buy back in the day, used as an instant messaging app, people no longer feel the need to call, they can simply text you. With updates happening almost every day, there is a whole lot more you can do with this app.

Skype for mobile

With smartphones being upgraded almost every day, the idea of a video call came into play, now you could easily call your loved one and see them via your phone.

We can all agree that all these apps have replaced paid-for phone calls and have changed our lives for the better, you can do a lot of things and your loved ones can keep in touch with you, without using the route of traditional phone calls and that’s all thanks to how smartphones have evolved over the years. 


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