WATCH: Would you have a scoop of onion ice cream?

The viral onion ice cream. Picture: FoodBeast/Instagram

The viral onion ice cream. Picture: FoodBeast/Instagram

Published Jun 25, 2024


Ice creams are a palate-pleaser. But what if we tell you that with social media ruling our lives, the universal crowd-pleaser has left netizens shocked by some of the bizarre food combinations?

The digital sphere has taken the love of food fusions to another level, where the recipes do not really make sense, but are created with a lot of zeal to reach out to the masses.

Well, this time, by deconstructing and amalgamating ice creams with strange ingredients, the fusions have turned into a culinary disaster. In the world of bizarre ice cream flavours, we have seen garlic, cricket, raspberry and even butter chicken with green chutney.

Recently, we were introduced to onion ice cream and the internet is not impressed.

The video of the onion ice cream recipe was shared on Instagram and on TikTok by digital creator @FoodBeast.

The clip starts with him chopping a large onion into small pieces. He then transfers the diced onions to a pan and caramelises them on low heat.

In a blender, he adds heavy cream and sweetened condensed milk and blends them until the result is thick and creamy. This is the ice cream base, which he then adds to a stand mixer and churns at a low speed.

The next step involves breaking the dry ice into a fine powder and slowly adding it to the stand mixer.

In the description, he wrote: “Once all of the dry ice sublimates, you can add the next spoonful. Ensure no chunks remain, as the ice cream isn’t safe to eat until all of the dry ice dissipates.”

On his website, FoodBeast notes that savoury ice cream flavours aren’t new to him and that he was surprised by the taste of the onion ice cream.

“I'm relatively open to savoury ice cream flavours, having made one with garlic chilli oil last year. That didn’t stop me from being sceptical if this recipe could work, but curiosity beckoned me to sample a scoop after the stream.

“Honestly, I was surprised by the taste of this onion ice cream. The sweetness of the caramelised onions, combined with the richness of the ice cream, reminded me of eating animal-style fries and a milkshake from In-N-Out. I wasn't mad at it,” he said.

If you want to give it a try, below is the recipe.


2 small sweet onions, diced

2 cups heavy cream

1 can sweetened condensed milk

2 cups food-grade dry ice

Salt to taste


Dice the onions and slowly caramelise them over low heat.

Make your ice cream base by blending the heavy cream and sweetened condensed milk until thick and creamy.

Add the base to the bowl of a stand mixer and churn at low speed.

Break the dry ice into a fine powder. Slowly drop the powder into your stand mixer, one spoonful at a time.

Once all the dry ice sublimates, add the next spoonful. Ensure no chunks remain, as the ice cream isn't safe to eat until all of the dry ice dissipates.

As the ice cream starts to freeze, add the onions and increase the speed.

Once the ice cream has thickened to a soft-serve consistency, either serve as is or freeze it for a couple of hours.

Note: You can serve the ice cream in a hollowed-out onion, but a regular bowl also works.