Skincare routines and make-up tips for the hot weather

If your skin doesn’t feel different from winter to summer, then it’s not necessary to switch from creamy products to lighter gels or foams. Picture: Pexels/Adrienne Andersen

If your skin doesn’t feel different from winter to summer, then it’s not necessary to switch from creamy products to lighter gels or foams. Picture: Pexels/Adrienne Andersen

Published Dec 6, 2023


Summer is finally here, and with the rising temperatures, we all want to look our best. But let's face it, dealing with melting foundation, smeared mascara, oily skin and painful sunburns is a reality for many.

Don’t worry, though, because we've got you covered with some essential skincare and make-up tips to help you beat the heat and rock that summer glow!

Skincare routine for summer

First things first, let's talk about skincare. The heat of the sun can affect our skin in various ways, so it's important to adjust our routines accordingly.

There’s no one-size-fits-all recommendation for summer skin care. If your skin doesn’t feel different from winter to summer, then it’s not necessary to switch from creamy products to lighter gels or foams.

Start by cleansing your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser that suits your skin type. This will help remove dirt, sweat, and excess oil, keeping your skin fresh and clean.

Next up, exfoliation!

Exfoliating once or twice a week is key to removing dead skin cells, unclogging pores, and giving your complexion a brighter look.

Choose a gentle exfoliator that won't irritate your skin, and don't forget to moisturise afterwards to keep your skin hydrated.

Hydration is crucial during the summer heat. Look for a lightweight moisturiser with SPF to protect your skin from those harmful UV rays.

Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and apply it generously to all exposed areas of your body. And remember, always wear sunscreen and reapply every two hours, especially during the peak sunlight hours of 12pm-4pm.

Retinoids are vitamin A derivatives that stimulate collagen production to effectively lessen the appearance of lines and wrinkles, per Harvard Health Publishing. Apply your retinol at night, and let it do its best anti-ageing work while you sleep.

Retinoids, a form of vitamin A, are known for their ability to stimulate collagen production. Collagen is a protein that provides structure to the skin, helping maintain its firmness and elasticity.

Retinoids work by binding to specific receptors in the skin and promoting the production of new collagen, which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles over time.

Make-up tips for summer

Less is more, especially during summer. Heavy foundation can easily melt off, so it's best to switch to a lightweight, oil-free formula.

Tinted moisturisers or BB creams are great alternatives that provide coverage while allowing your skin to breathe. Say goodbye to cracks and hello to a flawless, sweat-proof make-up look!

Invest in waterproof mascara and eye-liner to avoid smudging and smearing caused by sweat or humidity. These products will keep your eyes looking fresh and defined, even on the hottest days.

And if you want that natural, dewy finish, opt for cream-based blushes and highlighters. They blend seamlessly into the skin, giving you a healthy glow that screams summer vibes.

Last but not least, don't forget about your lips! Protect them from the sun's harmful rays with a lip balm that contains SPF.

Look for balms with hydrating ingredients like shea butter or coconut oil to keep your lips moisturised and shielded from UV damage.

So there you have it, your ultimate guide to summer-specific skincare routines and make-up tips.

With these tips in mind, you can enjoy summer while keeping your skin healthy and looking its best. Embrace the vibes, rock that natural glow and stay confident and beautiful all season long.