Mzansi responds to petition by The Beer Association of South Africa about the sale of beer in grocery stores

Beer is a part of South African culture and tradition. l PEXELS/ELEVATE

Beer is a part of South African culture and tradition. l PEXELS/ELEVATE

Published Oct 26, 2023


As has been the case with wine, the Beer Association of South Africa (Basa) recently launched an online petition to bring beer to grocery store shelves to support South Africa’s brewers and fuel the economy.

Taking to social media, the non-profit organisation pleaded with South Africans to sign the petition. Current legislation prohibits the sale of beer in grocery stores, limiting consumer choice and creating an uneven playing field for passionate brewers.

“Sign our petition to support SA's brewers and fuel our economy by bringing beer to grocery store shelves.

“Lingering legislation restricts consumer choice: beer, including our unique craft beers, is absent from regular store shelves. Let's change it!” they wrote.

— Beer Association of South Africa (@BeerSA_org) October 23, 2023

Beer lovers flooded the comment section and quickly signed the petition with many noting that it is a good move.

One user wrote: “Good idea. We support too many foreign brands that create less employment.”

A second user wrote: “Some supermarkets sell wine. What is the issue with beer?”

A third commented: “Never understood why buying alcohol after 8 pm at a shop is such a sin in SA. Got the shock of my life when I walked into a garage shop at 2am in Windhoek and saw beer available to purchase in the fridge.”

Speaking to Independent Media Lifestyle, chief executive officer of the Beer Association of South Africa, Patricia Pillay, said they were excited and encouraged by the response they had received on the petition so far.

Pillay said the petition showed that South Africans want expanded consumer choice when visiting supermarkets.

“Beers on grocery shelves really is a win-win – ease of choice for shoppers and increase in exposure for our world-class brewers. It will support job creation and growth in the beer industry.

“We are still slowly recovering from the enormous setbacks during the Covid-19 alcohol bans. Expanded access in stores will support this recovery.

“Our industry is also committed to continuing working with the government and traders to promote safe and responsible drinking where beers are sold,” she said.

Also commenting on the petition, brew mistress Apiwe Nxusani-Mawela said: “I fully support the initiative by the Beer Association of South Africa, I have already signed the petition and have encouraged all my friends to also sign up.

“I recently travelled to Rwanda and was very impressed to see beer not only available in grocery stores, but also in garages to show that this is adopted by many countries not only in Europe or the US but also here in Africa.

“If wine is allowed to trade currently in these outlets, why not beer,” she asked.

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