4 tips on how you can re-energise and keep your energies up during 2024

While you may be tempted to squeeze in as many fun activities as possible before the chaos of the new year commences, it is important to carve out time for rest. Picture: Rachel Claire

While you may be tempted to squeeze in as many fun activities as possible before the chaos of the new year commences, it is important to carve out time for rest. Picture: Rachel Claire

Published Jan 17, 2024


As we start the new year, the pursuit of energy and vitality becomes a top priority for many.

Whether you are juggling a hectic work schedule, navigating the challenges of daily life or simply seeking a boost in overall well-being, staying energised is key to making the most of 2024.

Below, the team at Herbalife share effective strategies to help you maintain high energy levels throughout the year.

While you may be tempted to squeeze in as many fun activities as possible before the chaos of the new year commences, it is important to carve out time for rest. Picture: Rachel Claire

Get enough rest

While you may be tempted to squeeze in as many fun activities as possible before the chaos of the new year commences, it is important to carve out time for rest.

Rest is one of the key ways to reduce stress, improve your overall health, and boost your motivation levels.

Whether that means using a weekend to catch up on some much-needed sleep or lazing by the pool for a few days, you need to make time to do nothing. Rest is the best gift you can give to your future self.

Write down your goals

Having clearly defined goals for the year ahead can help you hold yourself accountable when those busy months roll in.

Take a moment to check in with yourself and establish what exactly it is you would like to gain from this next chapter in your life.

The new year will probably have you feeling extra enthusiastic, especially after you have rested, but it is important to keep those goals realistic and achievable.

Start small – you will be amazed by how impactful small amounts every day can be.

Boost your energy levels by engaging in physical activity. Picture: Pexels/Jonathan Borba

Boost your energy levels

There is nothing wrong with asking for a little help. Sometimes your body will need a bit of a jump-start after a busy year.

To do this, you could try incorporating a vitamin B supplement into your daily routine to help you unlock bonus energy. Or you could opt for drinking something like a low-kilojoule effervescent energy drink in the mornings to give you an extra push.

It is worth noting, though, that while these options are meant to help boost your energy, you will need to eat nutritious meals and engage in physical activity to sustain this energy.

Think of these supplements as a helping hand rather than a final solution.

Make time for movement

At some point, we have all promised ourselves we would start exercising “in the new year”. The best way to ensure this actually happens is to start moving now. Be careful not to overwhelm yourself, though.

There is no point aiming too high and then not being able to deliver. So, once again, start small.

Movement could mean going for a walk on the beach or simply around your neighbourhood, playing a game in the garden with your family, or even doing five minutes of stretches before breakfast.

This way, when you get back into the swing of everyday life, it will be easier to stay consistent.