Kevin Spacey has confessed to Piers Morgan that he’s been ‘too handsy’ at times

Kevin Spacey. Picture: Bang Showbiz.

Kevin Spacey. Picture: Bang Showbiz.

Published Jun 12, 2024


Kevin Spacey has been “too handsy” in the past.

The 64-year-old actor was previously accused of committing sexual offences in the US and the UK, and although he has been acquitted, Spacey has admitted to making some mistakes.

During an appearance on “Piers Morgan Uncensored”, Spacey said: “(I was) pushing the boundaries … being too handsy, you know. Touching someone sexually, in a way that I didn’t know at the time that they didn’t want.”

Asked if his behaviour amounted to groping, Spacey replied: “Yeah.”

He added: “I agree that the word ‘grope’ is a very odd word. I personally … I have caressed people. I have been gentle with people. That is the way that I am.

“You’re making a pass at someone, you don’t want to be aggressive, you want to be gentle. You want to see if they’re going to respond positively. So, I think the word itself is not a word that I associate with my experience.”

Spacey has dismissed suggestions that he was a friend of Jeffrey Epstein.

The financier, who died in 2019, aged 66, was a convicted sex offender, but Spacey has denied that they were friends.

The Hollywood star said: “I had no relationship with him.

“I mean, I’m not a friend, I’m not a confidante, I never spent time with him.”

Spacey was blacklisted by Hollywood following the abuse allegations in 2017. But Sharon Stone recently argued that he should be allowed to resume his acting career.

The actress told the “Daily Telegraph” newspaper: “I can’t wait to see Kevin back at work.

“He is a genius. He is so elegant and fun, generous to a fault and knows more about our craft than most of us ever will.”