Mbalula says NEC meeting will tackle outstanding corruption cases

ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula says the party will deal with corruption among members. Picture: Motshwari Mofokeng/Independent Newspapers

ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula says the party will deal with corruption among members. Picture: Motshwari Mofokeng/Independent Newspapers

Published 7h ago


As the ANC begins its process of renewal and reconstruction, the party secretary-general Fikile Mbalula stressed the value of taking inspiration from their Struggle leaders.

In honour of liberation hero Albertina Sisulu, Mbalula made the remarks on Monday during a wreath-laying ceremony.

In co-operation with the Sisulu family, a memorial service was held at Johannesburg's Newclare Cemetery. She was honoured with a cleanup effort at several clinics around Soweto.

Consolidating the gains of three decades of independence and democracy is the ANC's continued commitment, he declared.

The activities included also a food security campaign as well as a memorial lecture to honour her contributions as a nurse, activist, and leader within the ANC Women's League.

“We continue to make strides towards the rebuilding and renewal of the ANC in the glorious mould of integrity that was synonymous with the generation of Mama Sisulu,” he said.

Moreover, the ANC will be hosting an NEC meeting this weekend.

The meeting will focus on two main points: the finalisation of the terms of reference for the Integrity Commission and the resolution of outstanding integrity cases presented to the NEC.

The ANC has several cases of its members implicated in corruption and other crimes.

In his address, Mbalula mentioned the commission was part and parcel of the ANC’s renewal.

“Gone are the days where the ANC will be complicit in the fight against corruption. Today many of our comrades who face challenges against the law in terms of corruption and all of that whenever they are arrested, they are required by the ANC to step aside,” he said.

Recently, Mbalula has emphasised more on discipline and that members should be toe the line.

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