Sports minister Zizi Kodwa names youthful board to revitalise Boxing SA

South African sports minister Zizi Kodwa. Photo: Muzi Ntombela/BackpagePix

South African sports minister Zizi Kodwa. Photo: Muzi Ntombela/BackpagePix

Published Nov 28, 2023


Former promoter Sifiso Shongwe was on Tuesday announced as the new chairman of the Boxing SA board announced by sports minister Zizi Kodwa.

CAF Head of TV and former PSL spokesperson Luxolo September, broadcaster Romy Titus, Nande Mpshe, Princess Nongoma, and Mary Sitata were among the new members, while Sakhiwe Sodo was the only member of the old board to remain.

Explaining the reason behind the young board, Kodwa said the decision was taken to move along with the times.

“The reality is that South Africa is getting much younger. What we did, besides the competency and diverse skills we brought into the board, we looked at what are the challenges facing Boxing SA now," the minister said.

"Obviously we need some new thinking there, there's no doubt about it. You need some innovation. You need people who can understand this issue of financially reviewing your model – it can't depend on the state and government forever.

"So, we need people to say, to promote this important sport, what else do we need to do? Obviously, with the support of government. So that is what we looked at.

"And then we looked at, within the number of applicants – there were many, I must say – competent men and women, that's why we've got four women in the board.

"If you look at their background and the kind of calibre they bring, it is what you need in BSA at the moment."

IOL Sport

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