Recipe - International Beer Day: Rooibos adds new flavour to craft beer industry

The use of Rooibos in beer has found increasing favour among craft brewers across the globe with dozens of Rooibos-infused beer options now available. Supplied image.

The use of Rooibos in beer has found increasing favour among craft brewers across the globe with dozens of Rooibos-infused beer options now available. Supplied image.

Published Aug 2, 2023


Johannesburg - With commemorations set to take place this Friday across the globe for International Beer Day, lovers of the brew will be flocking to pubs and breweries to enjoy a cold one.

Beer is arguably the world’s most beloved drink. The British drink theirs warm, Americans drink theirs ice-cold, and South Africans like it chilled. And according to statistics, the nation consumes roughly 34.47 million hectolitres (hl) of ale annually, which makes us the world’s 12th largest beer-consuming nation.

But the way we drink beer is evolving. Once dominated by mass-produced lagers, the market has evolved into a dynamic landscape brimming with craft breweries, innovative flavours and a burgeoning consumer base.

To cater to diverse consumer preferences, breweries have pushed the boundaries of flavour innovation. Spices, fruit and herbal tisanes, like Rooibos, have found their way into beer recipes, resulting in intriguing blends that reflect the country’s rich culinary heritage.

Adele du Toit, a spokesperson for the SA Rooibos Council, explained that the small-batch, all-natural brewing market has experienced a surge in popularity.

The use of Rooibos in beer has found increasing favour among craft brewers across the globe with dozens of Rooibos-infused beer options now available. Supplied image.

“For modern consumers, home brewing and/or enjoying unique and diverse beer flavours add value to the experience,” she believes.

Du Toit added that home brewing allows beer enthusiasts to experiment with different ingredients and brewing techniques.

“This provides them with a chance to create personalised and one-of-a-kind signature brews. It also allows individuals to be creative with their beer recipes. They can experiment with various hops, malts, yeast strains, and extras to craft beers tailored to their preferences. This level of customisation is not always possible with commercial beers.”

She added that the use of Rooibos in beer has found increasing favour among craft brewers across the globe, with dozens of Rooibos-infused beer options now available.

“Rooibos, which is native to South Africa, has unique flavours and characteristics that can complement and enhance beer profiles.”

Du Toit said that Rooibos’ mild sweetness, earthy notes, and hints of vanilla and honey adds to its appeal in beer. These flavours can also add complexity and depth to various beer styles, particularly lighter or malt-forward brews.

“Some craft brewers have been trialling Rooibos during different stages of the brewing process, such as during mashing, boiling or fermentation, and the tisane can be used as a substitute for water or combined with traditional brewing ingredients to infuse the beer with its distinct taste.”

Du Toit also believes that as the craft beer movement continues to grow, brewers and consumers alike will continue to seek new taste experiences, which is likely to contribute to the appeal of Rooibos-infused brews.

“With a promising future ahead, the South African beer industry is poised to continue its upward trajectory, delighting consumers with new flavours, experiences and the spirit of brewing innovation.”

Du Toit provided the following Rooibos Beer recipe to try on International Beer Day:

Makes: 7.25 Litres

Preparation Time: 20 Minutes (excluding fermentation time)


– Five ml of sugar

– 500 ml of lukewarm water

– 10g of instant yeast

– 600g of castor sugar

– 15ml of tartic acid

– 250ml of lemon juice

– 20ml of lemon rind

– 3 litres of strong Rooibos tea

– 3.5 litres of cold water


– Dissolve the 5ml sugar in 500ml lukewarm water.

– Sprinkle the instant yeast over and set aside until frothy, about 10 minutes.

– Mix the remaining dry ingredients with the liquid and juice together with the activated yeast mixture and stir until well mixed.

– Cover with a damp cloth or plastic wrapping and leave in a warm place for about 12 hours.

– Strain the mixture through a muslin cloth and pour the beer into bottles with tops. Leave in a cool place for 3 days.

– Chill before serving.


As the beer is very fizzy, ensure that the bottles are opened slowly and carefully, allowing the fizz to subside before totally removing the lid. It must be stored in a cool place or else the yeast will ferment too quickly, and the bottles could explode (preferably use plastic bottles).

Recipe courtesy of I Love 2 Bake.

The Saturday Star

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