PHOTO ESSAY: Dr Cahi Takes Joburg -- Finding beauty in the chaos

Published Apr 7, 2023


Johannesburg - In this brand-new Saturday Star photography series, Dr Cahi Takes Joburg, we feature the work of acclaimed Johannesburg dentist Dr. Norman Cahi.

Affectionately known as the “dentist to the stars,” Cahi has a quest for learning, a thirst for knowledge, and a deep interest in his roots and the history of his past.

In a continuation of the first series from last week, Cahi travels from Sandton to Alexandra.

All the photographs were taken just after sunrise as the townships begins to wake up and begin their busy daily lives.

“Despite my fear instinct I was drawn into the streets of Alex by the cacophony of chaos , colour , culture and morning noise,” Cahi explains to The Saturday Star.

During his voyage into Alex, Cahi attempts to capture Alexandra’s essence. Through his camera lens, we are able to see that through the midst of all the chaos in the township, life continues for its scores of residents.

This is despite all the hardships they face. And around all the litter, dilapidated buildings and strained infrastructure, they still manage to navigate through life as they know it.

Meanwhile, Cahi explained that it is this awareness and his passion for travel and a love for capturing moments in time which have taken him on a journey across colourful Joburg, which he shares with his hundreds of friends and followers on social media each week.

Cahi has dedicated his life to oral healthcare for 40 years and is one of the pioneers for teeth whitening and cosmetic dentistry in South Africa.

Together with his daughter, Chelsea, and prosthodontist brother, Emile, run the Cahi Dental & Prosthodontic Practice in Parktown North.

Most notably, the family has been working with the Miss SA Foundation for about seven years, after they were approached by beauty queen Claudia Henkel, who held the title in 2004 and has worked for the organisation to provide dental care to the finalists.

His job as a dentist is to make people smile, literally, but it is his love for photographing art, architecture and the beauty of Joburg, which he hopes will evoke a sense of nostalgia.

“I see and appreciate the beauty in everything – in nature and our environment. I admire art, architecture and getting a sense of the spirit of the community. But I feel sad and helpless when I see the homeless and hopeless. I am deeply moved when I see the poor, the downtrodden and the marginalised of our society.”

The Saturday Star