Student graduates at Unisa after defying the odds

The 2023 autumn graduation ceremony at Unisa. Picture: Supplied

The 2023 autumn graduation ceremony at Unisa. Picture: Supplied

Published Apr 4, 2023


Noxolo Miya

Pretoria - The sounds of cheers, screams and ululations filled the auditorium as the acting vice-chancellor of Unisa Professor Steward Mothata presided over the 7th programme for the 2023 Autumn graduation season at the main campus, Muckleneuk, in Pretoria.

Among the 35 000 students expected to graduate this year, Nathaniel Govender is one of those who defied the odds, to complete with a cum laude for his Master of Education: Adult Education under the College of Education.

With his mother placed on life support during his final dissertation submission, Govender said: “I am excited about my results and appreciate the university for offering students quality support and education.”

Having obtained his postgraduate diploma: tertiary education in 2018, he said it was a significant milestone to get a second cum laude.

Unisa graduate Nathaniel Govender has defied the odds to achieve his dreams. Picture: File

“As a working adult and family person, studying comes with a sacrifice, so this achievement is a reminder that everything we invest in has a reward. No matter the challenges and circumstances, with determination, we can succeed in what we put our minds to.”

Speaking about his Master’s research, he explained: “One of the hallmarks of adult education in the occupational education and training sector is that adults bring a wide array of varying experiences into the learning process.

“My study focused on barriers faced by adult education providers tasked with implementing Recognition of Prior Learning for occupational learning programmes.”

According to Govender, programme is a fundamental process to recognise and credit the relevant experience of adult learners across South Africa.

He acknowledged that some had years of accumulated field experience without formal qualifications.

Govender noted that his passion for the field of study saw him through the challenges during his academic journey. He said being enthusiastic about his endeavours drove him to succeed.

“As students, we experience challenges in our learning journeys. However, I knew that I was not alone and drew my strength and encouragement from my loved ones, God, supervisor and peers.”

Sending a congratulatory message to the students, Unisa Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Prof Puleng Lenka

Bula said: “Graduations are the hallmark and pinnacle of trajectories that students follow in the life-long pursuit of wisdom and knowledge in the various degrees they undertake at Unisa.

Universities showcase students’ successes and completion of the educational and research processes through graduation ceremonies.

“They attest to the investments in talents, expertise, research and knowledge resources of the various academics, professional and administrative staff who work in concert to contribute to comprehensive sets of academic outcomes that underscore the quality-driven completion of studies.”

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