Call for SA to halt R50m Cuban donation, deal with domestic hunger issues

Members of Chefs with Compassion delivered a petition to the International Relations and Co-operation Department in Pretoria yesterday against a R50 million donation to Cuba. Picture: Supplied

Members of Chefs with Compassion delivered a petition to the International Relations and Co-operation Department in Pretoria yesterday against a R50 million donation to Cuba. Picture: Supplied

Published Feb 25, 2022


Betty Moleya

Pretoria - A coalition of more than 60 NPOs dealing with hunger relief yesterday delivered a petition to the Department of International Relations and Co-operation against a donation of R50 million to Cuba.

The petition, with more than 16 000 signatories, called on the government to rather look at issues of hunger within South Africa. It was initiated by NPOs who feel assisting Cuba was to the detriment of thousands of hungry locals.

The department extended a hand to Cuba, which is affected by food security problems due to sanctions imposed by the US.

Marion Tanzer of Chefs with Compassion said they were hopeful that they would receive a response from the department within a week.

“The petition was received by Clayson Monyela, acting director-general, and we will also be sending it to him via email.”

Marion said Monyela was very positive towards them, and had said he would be happy to engage with the coalition further.

If the department fails to respond within the stipulated time frame, the coalition said it would continue to apply pressure or reach out to other departments.

The coalition’s demands are to both the department and to Social Development and President Cyril Ramaphosa.

The petition read in part: “Minister Dr Naledi Pandor and Deputy Minister Alvin Botes, halt the donation of R50m to Cuba and reallocate it towards an urgent, independent investigation into immediately actionable solutions to address the systemic causes of hunger (in South Africa).”

Another demand, which was addressed to Ramaphosa, was for the implementation of what was said in the State of the Nation Address.

“Treat hunger as the pandemic it is. Attack the problem at the root by funding an independent commission of action-oriented experts who have research-based insights into the problems and can work towards implementing solutions to address the hunger pandemic.

“Your statement in your State of the Nation Address indicates your intention to do so – now take action.“

The coalition also called on Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu to “rise to the call of the thousands of South Africans who have signed the petition, and the hundreds of thousands of voiceless hungry people across the country, and take action”.

“Champion the cause of the voiceless and leave a legacy of ensuring that children are not stunted and malnourished, instead of leaving the legacy of childhood malnutrition that will be felt in generations to come.”

Pretoria News