Listen: Raging Bull Awards manager of the year talks investment strategy

Personal Finance Podcast - Raging Bull Awards - Special Edition

Personal Finance Podcast - Raging Bull Awards - Special Edition

Published Mar 13, 2023


At the Raging Bull Awards gala dinner on Tuesday 28 February, PSG Asset Management emerged ahead of last year’s winner, Ninety One, to clinch the coveted title of South African Manager of the Year. The awards were for investment performance to the end of 2022. CEO Anet Ahern talks to Ruan Jooste about how they got here.

After scaling down to a streamed video presentation for two years as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the event reverted to its lavish gala dinner format – a calendar highlight for the asset management industry – at Pigalle Restaurant in Green Point, Cape Town. The guest speaker for the evening was SARS Commissioner Edward Kieswetter and

the event was sponsored this year by the JSE, PSG and Mellville Douglas.

The aim of the awards, apart from recognising outstanding achievement in the industry, is to guide investors to unit trust funds that deliver reliable, sustainable returns without undue risk, which is in line with the ongoing aim at Personal Finance: to provide readers with credible, jargon-free information on financial services and products to better manage their day-to-day financial affairs and grow their wealth.

PSG scored an excellent (weighted) average of 4.523 PlexCrowns across its nine qualifying funds. The nine funds held a total of R35.6 billion in assets under management at the end of 2022,

PSG also received certificates of achievement at the Raging Bull Awards For the best performance over three years for the Best (SA-Domiciled) Global Multi-Asset Flexible Fund for its Global Flexible Feeder Fund and the Best South African Interest-Bearing Short-Term Fund for its Income Fund

It also received silver trophies for the Best South African Interest-Bearing Fund for its Diversified Income Fund and the best Global Equity General Fund for its Global Equity Feeder Fund.