Weather may hit number of expected visitors on Cape beaches next week

Published Dec 25, 2019


Cape Town - Over previous years, the City’s beaches had overwhelming crowds of people visiting on public holidays but the weather predicted for the next week could have an influence on numbers this year.

Law enforcement units were expected to be extra alert for any potential incidents, including violence, drowning and vandalism.

Mayco member for safety and security JP Smith said: “The City has its festive season blueprint, which ensures maximum deployment of all our agencies at beaches and other popular public areas in the week between Christmas and New Year.

“This year, the metro police department has also acquired the services of a helicopter for patrols on priority days to help keep an eye on beaches, but also major routes leading to and from these areas.”

Popular beaches over the festive season include Camps Bay, Muizenberg, Strandfontein, Monwabisi, Mnandi, Strand and Gordon’s Bay.

The city’s traffic service has implemented the Operation Exodus project that will ensure vehicle drivers are fit enough to be on the road.

There have been 12 reported fatal drownings and 11 potential incidents that could have resulted in drownings at the City beaches this season already.

Mayco member for community services and health Zahid Badroodien said: “Follow the rules to stay safe. Don’t underestimate the power of the ocean and make sure you swim where you can see our lifeguards. Drowning is preventable but we cannot do it alone.”

Smith said that the weather forecast may be less than ideal this week but Cape Town weather has four seasons in one day. The staff would be ready for deployment nonetheless.

“Some safety tips may seem obvious, or perhaps it sounds like we’re beating the same drum, but they warrant repetition as many people view the festive season as a time to throw all caution to the wind. Everyone wants to be of good cheer. Keep a cool head and heed the warnings and instructions of enforcement staff,” he said.
