We remember Cytheria Rex

Cytheria Rex was found with multiple stab wounds to her body. File picture: Solly Lottering

Cytheria Rex was found with multiple stab wounds to her body. File picture: Solly Lottering

Published Aug 31, 2018


Cytheria Rex grew up in Kraaifontein. She knew everyone in the neighbourhood and was liked by most people. Her mother Jacqueline loved her dearly and believed that Cytheria would one day grow up to be a productive member of society.

Jacqueline could never have imagined that her beloved daughter would not reach adulthood.

Cytheria’s naked and mutilated corpse was found in an open field in Eikendal, Kraaifontein, on Sunday, February 22, 2009. She had been raped, stabbed and had her stomach sliced open.

Her body was then loaded into a wheelie-bin before being dumped in the field. A grisly trail of blood left by the bin enabled cops to pinpoint the house where Cytheria was viciously murdered.

Seven young men from the area were arrested for Cytheria's murder. The brother of one of the young men tipped off police to bloody clothing at their home.

After nearly four-and-a-half years behind bars as awaiting trial prisoners, the seven were released on bail. At that stage, none of them had a criminal record, but bad luck seemed to dog them. One of the suspects was murdered by a local gangster, and the rest of the group have all ended up back behind bars on unrelated charges of attempted murder and murder.

Nine years after Cytheria was stabbed at least 39 times with a knife and a screwdriver, the case has still not been finalised - mostly because various parties involved have been on sick leave whenever the case was set down for the court roll. The magistrate has gone on record as saying the case seems to be "contaminated with sick leave".

Jacqueline still has no idea why - or exactly how - her daughter's life was ended so brutally.

Cytheria will never celebrate another Women's Month, another birthday or another Christmas. She never had a 21st birthday. Cytheria never even had a chance to start working towards achieving some of the dreams she had.

For Cytheria's sake and the sake of women everywhere, if you know somebody who has committed an act of violence against a woman Don't Look Away

If you know a young woman's life is in danger, Don't Look Away

If you are able to help prevent another tragedy, Don't Look Away


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