'Street Life' - A musical event with a mission to aid women trapped in Durban’s sex industry

A unique musical experience featuring jazz legend Ernie Smith, neo-soul sensation Jessie Shane, and musical genius Keegan Williams brings together a a powerful outreach initiative aimed at supporting women trapped in the sex industry and human trafficking.

A unique musical experience featuring jazz legend Ernie Smith, neo-soul sensation Jessie Shane, and musical genius Keegan Williams brings together a a powerful outreach initiative aimed at supporting women trapped in the sex industry and human trafficking.

Published Dec 12, 2023


In an extraordinary blend of music and social activism, the Barnyard Theatre Suncoast is set to host 'Street Life' on December 18, a unique musical experience featuring jazz legend Ernie Smith, neo-soul sensation Jessie Shane, and musical genius Keegan Williams.

But this event is more than just a showcase of diverse musical talent; it's a powerful outreach initiative aimed at supporting women trapped in the sex industry and human trafficking.

'Street Life' offers a rare glimpse into the realities of the streets, transcending the boundaries of a typical performance.

This event is a collaborative effort between the Expose HOPE Foundation, Faizel Vahed, Keri Miller, and the participating artists, all united in their commitment to make a tangible difference in the lives of affected women.

eXpose HOPE, a non-profit organisation driven by compassionate women, is dedicated to aiding women in Durban's sex industry.

Their mission is to restore dignity, hope, love, and freedom to those ensnared in these circumstances.

The organisation actively supports over 400 women working on the streets and in brothels across the Greater Durban area, providing them with essential items like quality second-hand clothing, shoes, toiletries, sanitary products, cosmetics, and condoms. They also play a crucial role in assisting with rental needs and creating job opportunities for those they have successfully helped off the streets.

In a significant move to support this cause, a portion of the profits from the 'Street Life' show will be donated to the Expose HOPE foundation.

Additionally, 100% of the proceeds from merchandise and raffle sales during the event, managed by the foundation's volunteers, will contribute to this noble cause.

The event is not just a night of entertainment but a show of solidarity with the women in need. It's a call to the public to not turn away but to join in the effort to bring about change.

'Street Life' is more than a concert; it's a movement, bringing the plight of these women into the spotlight and rallying support for their journey towards a better life.

IOL News

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