Aggressive hippos threaten SAPS rescue team retrieving body of drowned farmworker



Published Sep 9, 2022


Pretoria – Members of the police’s search and rescue unit have managed to retrieve the body of Guidance Manganye, 26, from the Thiergaten farm dam, despite having several run-ins with aggressive hippo which reside in the area.

Limpopo police spokesperson, Lieutenant-Colonel Malesela Ledwaba said the area falls under Ritavi, near Tzaneen in the Mopani District.

“The victim and his 34-year-old colleague were reportedly working at this dam on Tuesday 6 September 2022, busy removing illegal fishing nets left behind by poachers who fled the area while being chased by the farmer,” Ledwaba said.

“They were busy removing nets using a canoe without life jackets and in the process one of the nets caught a crocodile. During their pulling of the nets, the crocodile managed to pull away and the canoe capsized. Both the farm workers fell into the dam and one of the them managed to swim out while the other one drowned.”

Police have retrieved the body of Guidance Manganye. Picture: SAPS

After the search operation began, it had to be suspended when it became dark. The dam is infested with crocodiles and hippos.

“The rescue team had to acquire suitable equipment to repel the hippos before retrieving the body. After long and gruelling hours, the body was retrieved from the dam and not before the team had to negotiate their way, be alert and cautious about the presence of these dangerous animals,” Ledwaba said.

Police search and rescue team has been praised for retrieving the body of Guidance Manganye despite the dangerous conditions in the Thiergaten farm dam. Picture: SAPS

Provincial commissioner of police in Limpopo, Lieutenant-General Thembi Hadebe commended the team “for carrying out a difficult task with such zealous efforts”.

“These are members whose task is to carry out rescue operations and save lives, even under extreme and strenuous circumstances. I am really proud of this dedicated winning team which is always geared towards bringing back smiles to the faces and closure to affected families,” Hadebe said.

The police search and rescue team has been praised for retrieving the body of Guidance Manganye despite the dangerous conditions in the Thiergaten farm dam. Picture: SAPS

Last month, two boys, 9 and 12 years old drowned in Limpopo.

At the time, Ledwaba said the “horrific” incident happened at Seshego Dam.

“Two young boys, Kotsema Ramaru aged nine and his friend, 12-year-old Kubu Mashilo, both from Seshego Zone 5, were apparently swimming with their friends when this unfortunate incident occurred,” Ledwaba said.

“The information at our disposal is that the boys were swimming and crossing the dam using white foam props as flotation devices, an occurrence which is said to be a usual practice in the area. The unfortunate situation happened when their ‘boat’ capsized in the middle of the dam and both boys drowned.”

Police have retrieved the body of Guidance Manganye who drowned while removing illegal fishing nets left by poachers in the Thiergaten farm dam. Picture: SAPS