Political parties are warned that political disruptions and violence will not be tolerated - IEC



Published May 29, 2024


Michael Hendricks, the Western Cape officer of the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) warned political parties about their conduct on Wednesday at the Result Operation Centre (ROC) in Century City.

Hendricks said that political parties are responsible for maintaining law and controlling their members' behaviour as South Africans take to the polls.

He warned that there should be no intimidation or violence from political organisations, especially during the election process.

The IEC said around 26 million South Africans are registered to vote.

Political rallies

Hendricks also said that no public rallies by political parties are allowed on election day. However, the organisations are allowed to still canvas, as long as it is outside of the boundaries of voting stations.

To South Africans who are voting today, Hendricks warned them that it was vital to vote at venues where they are registered.

Voting stations

The IEC official said that the majority of voting stations in the Western Cape opened at 7am. He did acknowledge that there were some minor issues at certain stations, but chalked it up to teething issues that have now been resolved.

For the most part, the network of 23,292 voting stations across the country opened at 7am and will be opened until 9pm.

Hendricks finally said that there have been some incidents of violence and illegality in a number of areas in the Western Cape during the last 24 hours.

He said that the police have addressed the issues expeditiously and that South Africans should not feel that it is not safe to make their mark today and vote.