LIVE: President Ramaphosa delivers Opening of Parliament Address

Published Jul 18, 2024


Ramaphosa: South Africa needs sophisticated and independent law enforcement agencies to combat crime

President Cyril Ramaphosa says South Africa requires independent and sophisticated law enforcement agencies to fight the scourge of rampant crime plaguing the nation.

“To tackle crime and corruption we must have capable, sophisticated and independent law enforcement agencies that can fight complex and organised crime,” he said.

Read the full story here.


GNU committed to ending unemployment, inequality, and poverty as electorates decided, says Ramaphosa

As the country celebrates Mandela Day, President Cyril Ramaphosa assures citizens that the Government of National Unity (GNU) will deliver a better, more equal, and more just South Africa.

“In an act that is unprecedented in our democratic history, ten political parties represented here in our Parliament have agreed to craft a common programme to build a better, more equal, and more just South Africa,” he said.

Read the full story here.


President Ramaphosa concedes that 30 years into democracy, many South Africans still live in poverty

Despite the country celebrating three decades of democracy, many South Africans continue to live below the breadline.

"Despite the achievements of 30 years of democracy, and the work undertaken over the last five years to rebuild our economy and our society, millions of South Africans remain poor, unemployed and live in a highly unequal society," Ramaphosa said.

Read the full story here.


The opening of parliament address takes place once every five years, after the provincial and national elections, to outline the new administration’s plans while also marking the official opening of the new five-year term of Parliament.

DA leader and Minister of Agriculture, John Steenhuisen with his wife, Terry Steenhuisen. Picture: Sarene Kloren/IOL
In attendance is Ester Mahlangu Photo: Robin-Lee Francke/IOL


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NATJOINTS gears up for full force deployment to safeguard Opening of Parliament Address

The National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS) says it’s ready to safeguard the Opening of Parliament Address

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Parliament spends R58 million for its readiness for the seventh administration

Parliament has nearly doubled its budget for the seventh administration, Secretary to Parliament, Xolile George said during a media briefing at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) on Thursday.

Read more here.