IN PICTURES: Sombre prayer vigils held for ‘gravely ill’ Pravin Gordhan in Durban and Joburg

Former KZN Finance MEC Ravi Pillay joined family, friends and supporters of Pravin Gordhan at a prayer vigil in Durban on Wednesday. Picture: 1860 Heritage Centre

Former KZN Finance MEC Ravi Pillay joined family, friends and supporters of Pravin Gordhan at a prayer vigil in Durban on Wednesday. Picture: 1860 Heritage Centre

Published Sep 12, 2024


Friends and well-wishers gathered at prayer vigils in Durban and Joburg on Wednesday night to offer up prayers for former Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan's recovery.

The former Minister of Public Enterprises and Finance was on Tuesday admitted to a hospital for treatment.

IOL understands that the Gordhan is gravely ill.

Gordhan's condition remains unknown at this stage. In Durban, the Natal Indian Congress (NIC) 130 Organising Committee held a vigil at the 1860 Heritage Centre in the City Centre.

A vigil was also held at Flame of Democracy at Constitution Hill in Johannesburg.

Friends, family and well-wishers gathered for a prayer vigil for Pravin Gordhan. Picture: Rajesh Jantilal
Friends, family and well-wishers gathered for a prayer vigil for Pravin Gordhan. Picture: Rajesh Jantilal
Friends, family and well-wishers gathered for a prayer vigil for Pravin Gordhan. Picture: Rajesh Jantilal
Friends, family and well-wishers gathered for a prayer vigil for Pravin Gordhan. Picture: Rajesh Jantilal
Friends, family and well-wishers gathered for a prayer vigil for Pravin Gordhan. Picture: Rajesh Jantilal

Earlier this week, IOL reported that Gordhan was undergoing treatment in hospital.

In a brief statement released on Tuesday, his family confirmed that Gordhan, aged 75, was receiving the “best available medical care”.

“The family of the former Minister of Public Enterprises, Mr. Pravin Gordhan, would like to inform the media and the public that he has been admitted to hospital,” his family said in a statement.

“Mr Gordhan is receiving the best available medical care. The family has requested privacy during this difficult time. Further updates on his condition will be provided,” the family said.

IOL Politics