Vimlesh Rajbansi: ANC-DA Coalition — The DA's dangerous political conditioning strategy is in play

Be cautious of narratives that seek to undermine our collective power and unity, writes Vimlesh Rajbansi. Picture: Supplied

Be cautious of narratives that seek to undermine our collective power and unity, writes Vimlesh Rajbansi. Picture: Supplied

Published Jun 3, 2024


The black population must recognise this strategy for what it is — a dangerous political conditioning aimed at destroying the unity of Ubuntu among the black majority.

Be cautious of narratives that seek to undermine our collective power and unity.

The ANC, MK, and EFF collectively have 10.4 million votes, 65%, representing the black majority population in the 2024 election giving them a combined 256 of the 400 seats in the National Assembly.

If every vote counts, how can the 10.4 million votes of black voters who chose black-led parties to govern South Africa, be overlooked in the selection of our government and president?

Why is the DA, with only 3.5 million votes, 21.8% largely from the white minority, given so much power by business and media to dictate the terms, conditions, and structure of our government?

When did the 10.4 million black voters, who chose the ANC, MK, and EFF, grant permission to outsource their votes to the DA or amongst political parties they did not vote for, allowing them to dictate how our government is formed and who should be our next president?

The DA's dangerous political conditioning strategy to keep the ANC, MK and EFF out of "power" is currently in play for coalitions.

Social conditioning is the process by which people in a society are trained to think, believe, feel, want, and react in a way approved by influential groups within that society.

The "Doomsday Coalition" is one of the DA’s political strategies for this election, aimed at convincing the black population that only the DA, a white-led minority political party, is capable of governing South Africa.

Their primary goal has been to entice the black majority to vote for the DA or one of its MPC partners, such as ActionSA and the IFP, along with allies like BOSA and Rise Mzansi.

Failing that, if the ANC, MK, and EFF do achieve a majority in the elections to create a new government at the exclusion of the DA, the DA's "Doomsday Coalition" campaign was crafted to condition black voters for the DA to take control of the coalition discussions and dictate the terms for the formation of our new government.

This is done through persistent political framing, suggesting that any black-led dominant political party that threatens DA leadership is led by thieves who have destroyed South Africa.

The more powerful a black leader is the greater the threat to the white-led DA and the more intense the political strategy to portray him as corrupt and dangerous to South Africa.

This "Doomsday Coalition" strategy was strategically crafted and deployed through media, social media releases and mentioned in public speeches, creating a social phenomenon that implies only a white-led party can prevent the so-called "doomsday coalition" of the ANC, MK, and the violent EFF which aims to position the DA as the sole capable guardian of South Africa's future and destroy the credibility of the ANC, MK and EFF to make it impossible for these three parties to form one government.

An example of how the DA used Political Framing is evident in Helen Zille's statement.

Listen carefully to the political framing used by Helen Zille during her appearance on Newzroom Afrika on May 30, 2024, before the votes were counted, she said:

1. The DA's job is to keep out the doomsday coalition of the ANC, MK, and EFF.

2. The DA will put South Africa's interest first.

3. It is in South Africa's interest that the DA grows and thrives to eventually become the biggest party in South Africa.

4. Because that is the only way to defend the Constitution, defend the rule of law, and grow the economy.

5. So it is in South Africa's interest for the DA to flourish and prevent South Africa from falling into the hands of the people who are going to destroy it.

Let's unpack the key elements of the DA's political framing:

1. Defining the opposition:

"The DA's job is to keep out the doomsday coalition of the ANC, MK, and EFF."

Zille frames the ANC, MK, and EFF as a "doomsday coalition," implying that their governance would lead to catastrophic outcomes for South Africa.

This negative framing between the DA and these black-led parties, portrays the latter as a threat to the nation's well-being.

2. Positioning the DA as the saviour:

"The DA will put South Africa's interest first."

By claiming that the DA prioritises South Africa's interests, Zille positions her party as the selfless protector of the nation. This positive framing seeks to build trust and credibility among voters, particularly within the Black population, to whom the DA's appeal has traditionally been limited.

3. Future vision and urgency:

"It is in South Africa's interest that the DA grows and thrives to eventually become the biggest party in South Africa."

This statement emphasizes the need for the DA's expansion and success as crucial for the country's future. It suggests that only a strong DA can ensure the protection of national interests.

4. Guardianship of key values:

"Because that is the only way to defend the constitution, defend the rule of law, and grow the economy."

Zille invokes core democratic values and economic growth, implying that these can only be safeguarded under DA leadership. This framing appeals to voters' concerns about stability, justice, and prosperity, painting the DA as the guardian of these essential elements.

5. Fear appeal:

"Prevent South Africa from falling into the hands of the people who are going to destroy it."

The use of fear is evident in this statement. By suggesting that the ANC, MK, and EFF would "destroy" South Africa, Zille aims to instil a sense of urgency and danger, motivating and preparing the public to support the DA as a defensive measure against perceived threats.

What is the the Impact of the Political Framing used by the DA:

6. Psychological influence:

This framing leverages psychological tactics such as fear, hope, and the appeal to higher values to sway voter opinion. By repeatedly associating the DA with positive outcomes and the ANC, MK and EFF with dire negative consequences, the DA hopes to condition voters to perceive them as the only viable option.

7. Social conditioning:

Zille's framing attempts to reshape societal perceptions and beliefs. It aims to create a social consensus that only the DA can save South Africa, thereby undermining the unity and influence of black-led parties.

8. Reinforcement of narrative:

The framing reinforces the narrative that black-led parties are incapable of effective governance and are a danger to the nation. This aims to weaken the unity of the black majority and their confidence in their chosen leaders, aligning with the DA's broader strategy to disrupt the unity of Ubuntu among the black population.

In conclusion, Helen Zille's statement is a clear example of the DA's political framing strategy, designed to manipulate public perception and consolidate power by leveraging fear, positioning the DA as the protector of national interests, and discrediting black-led opposition parties.

This framing serves the broader objective of weakening the unity and influence of the Black majority in South Africa's political landscape.


The black population must recognise this strategy for what it is — a dangerous political conditioning aimed at destroying the unity of Ubuntu among the black majority. Be cautious of narratives that seek to undermine our collective power and unity.

* Vimlesh Rajbansi is an independent commentator.

** The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of IOL or Independent Media.

IOL Opinion