Guess what the most popular item SA consumers bought this Black Friday Picture: African News Agency(ANA)
The most popular item South Africans buy on Black Friday might surprise you.
According to Pick n Pay, Air fryers are a popular item for the retailer.
This item has been a popular source of the retail giant and has the most popular over the last 7 years.
Pick n Pay said that it has doubled its sales already for the product when compared to last Black Friday month
In response to the unabating demand for this popular kitchen appliance, Pick n Pay said that they “proactively secured an increase in stock for this year's Black Friday event, but almost all of this stock was snapped up on Friday already”.
According to Ozow, a retail tool that looks at the spending patterns of consumers, the largest single transaction today was R200,000.
The open banking dashboard shows retailers and consumers a breakdown of the key indices over the Black Friday. It was created to provide insights into the spending patterns of consumers over the biggest retail sales period of the year.
The average transaction value according to the tool was R393,65 and
Yesterday, one person spent more than R800,000 in a single transaction.
An evaluation of yesterday’s data showed that bargain-buying began at midnight on the eve of Black Friday and grew significantly from 8am to 12-noon.
It should be noted that spending, in terms of both value and the number of transactions, dropped from 3pm.
Earlier this week, date from the Bureau of Market Research (BMR) said that retailers are expecting an increase of about R7 billion worth of shopping when compared to last years figures.
The research said that last year 15% of sales was online and they expected a significant proportion of sales to also be online this year.
BMR on behalf of retailer finance provider Capital Connect found that Black Friday spending was expected to increase from R19bn in 2022 to R26.6bn this year.