WATCH: This one-of-a-kind giraffe was born without spots at US zoo

This giraffe is believed to be the world’s only singularly coloured giraffe. Picture: CBS News/TikTok screenshot

This giraffe is believed to be the world’s only singularly coloured giraffe. Picture: CBS News/TikTok screenshot

Published Aug 22, 2023


Unless you have a heart of ice, no one can resist a cute animal, and this spotless giraffe is no exception.

While giraffes are known for their long necks, their spots are also a distinctive feature. This is one of the rarest sights in the animal kingdom and has appeared in a Tennessee zoo. This giraffe is believed to be the world’s only singularly coloured giraffe.


A zoo in Tennessee says it has welcomed a rare spotless giraffe. Bright's Zoo is holding a contest to name the baby 🦒

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The Tennessee-based Brights zoo says the giraffe is one of a kind, as giraffes are very rarely born without their spots, which serve as a form of camouflage in the wild.

A spotless giraffe is not something you hear about every day, and neither is a sun bear that looks like a human being in an animal costume. Earlier this month, a sun bear in a Chinese zoo made headlines after a video of the bear went viral, with many speculating that the bear could be a person in an animal costume due to the way it is standing upright and the appearance of bagging skin.

The US zoo said the unusual birth of the spotless giraffe would help highlight the challenges faced by giraffes around the world.

"The international coverage of our patternless baby giraffe has created a much-needed spotlight on giraffe conservation," the founder of Brights Zoo, Tony Bright, said to a US television news station, WCYB. "Wild populations are silently slipping into extinction, with 40% of the wild giraffe population lost in just the last three decades."

The female giraffe was born on July 31 and is a uniform brown colour. She is approximately 6 feet tall (approximately 1.82 metres) and is currently under the care of her mother and staff at the zoo. There is currently a contest for American residents to name the giraffe.


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