Beijing submerged by heavy rains from Storm Doksuri: 20 mead and 27 missing

Children are seen walking along a sea wall at Navotas in Metro Manila on Wednesday, as Super Typhoon Doksuri passes close to the northern tip of Luzon island, the Philippines. Picture: Jam Sta Rosa/AFP.

Children are seen walking along a sea wall at Navotas in Metro Manila on Wednesday, as Super Typhoon Doksuri passes close to the northern tip of Luzon island, the Philippines. Picture: Jam Sta Rosa/AFP.

Published Aug 4, 2023


At least 20 people have lost their lives, and 27 others are reported missing as heavy rains from Storm Doksuri have wreaked havoc in China's capital, according to state media reports on August 1.

Storm Doksuri, previously a super typhoon, made its way northwards through China after hitting southern Fujian province and passing through the Philippines.

The downpour began on Saturday, deluging Beijing and its surrounding areas with nearly the average rainfall for the entire month of July in just 40 hours.

The situation in suburban Beijing remains grim, as the rains have caused severe damage and disruption. Over 500,000 people have been affected by the floods, as reported by state broadcaster CCTV.

In response to the chaotic scenes and devastation, President Xi Jinping has called for all-out efforts to rescue those trapped or lost due to the rains. He urged local authorities to prioritise the treatment of the injured and extend support to the families of victims while minimising casualties.

Additionally, Xi stressed the importance of quickly repairing damaged infrastructure and restoring normal life and production.

Climate scientists have pointed to the alarming increase in extreme weather events and record temperatures in China this summer, attributing these occurrences to the effects of climate change.

China is now preparing for the potential impact of yet another typhoon, Khanun, which is approaching China's east coast as the sixth storm of the year.

The situation in Beijing serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for action on climate change and highlights the devastating consequences such extreme weather events can have on communities.

Authorities and citizens alike are facing the pressing challenge of adapting to these changing conditions and mitigating future risks to safeguard lives and property.

As the rescue and recovery efforts continue, China's determination to address the implications of climate change will be closely watched by the international community. The nation's response and actions in the coming days will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the future of climate adaptation and resilience strategies on a global scale.