WATCH: Gauteng Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi takes a ride in solar-powered vehicle built by learners



Published Aug 19, 2022


Johannesburg - The John Orr Engineering School of Specialisation, which focuses on renewable and alternative sources of energy, was officially launched by Gauteng Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi in partnership with Sasol and other companies in Milpark, Johannesburg this week.

As part of its strategy to enhance and increase the number of Schools of Specialisation, the Gauteng Department of Education has launched 18 Schools of Specialisation across Gauteng. These schools are aimed at addressing the severe skills shortage.

The John Orr Engineering School of Specialisation had initially started at the Witwatersrand Technical College but later moved to the current site in Milpark in 1960.

The school was initially a trade school for boys only, but in 1970, they introduced Hotel Catering Management and girls were admitted. The school was a School of Focused Learning and is now gazetted as a School of Specialisation.

There are currently about 813 learners enrolled at the school with 63 staff members.

“We are here to change the education system in our province. If we can’t prepare our learners for the skills that are needed in this economy, we would have betrayed them. Gone are the days where our education system is deemed inferior because we’re providing access to quality education through Schools of Specialisation. We thank our invaluable partnership with the contributing corporate and industry experts who made our vision a reality,” said MEC Lesufi.

While the school was only officially launched this week, learners have already benefited from being at the school.

Some learners displayed work and projects they had completed, including the manufacturing of a solar-powered car named Voltage.

Pupils at this school conceptualised and built Voltage under the guidance of their educators.

The department confirmed that 20 learners in Grade 11 had the opportunity to get workplace exposure at companies partnered with the school including, Umphakathi Development and Training, Industri Tools and Equipment, VNU Industrial Supplies, JTB Industrial Solutions and Ifihlile Training Academy.

Ten of those learners completed an advanced plumbing programme with Umphakathi Development and Training. These pupils started in Grade 9 and have been certificated, which means they can go straight to work after school.

The remaining 10 learners underwent a programme with the Gauteng Department of Education and Autodesk on Computer Aided Design (CAD).

This was to enhance their skills in Engineering Graphics and Design. These learners will be certificated, and also exposed to an advanced programme.

In July, the Gauteng Department of Education launched Tembisa Commerce and Entrepreneurship School of Specialisation with a focus on Tourism and Hospitality, and, as such, will continue to launch such schools to change the education landscape in Gauteng, which will subsequently benefit the country.

Accordingly, when the learners leave this school of specialisation in engineering at the end of grade 12, they will be equipped with technical skills. They will be engineers, ready to study further and go to companies like Sasol or, even better yet, start their own businesses.