Suspension of school contact sports welcomed

Education activist Hendrick Makaneta has called on Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga to cancel school sports as South Africa braces for a third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. File picture: Se-Anne Rall

Education activist Hendrick Makaneta has called on Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga to cancel school sports as South Africa braces for a third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. File picture: Se-Anne Rall

Published May 20, 2021


PRETORIA – The decision by the national department of education to suspend contact sports in schools, with immediate effect, has been welcomed.

The department of basic education announced earlier on Wednesday that the decision was made by the Council of Education Ministers.

Education activist Hendrick Makaneta on Wednesday welcomed government's decision, adding that it will support the ongoing fight to mitigate the third wave of Covid-19.

"The decision to suspend school sporting activities was the correct decision hence government should be applauded as we continue to mitigate the third wave of Covid-19,” Makaneta said.

“The decision will certainly go a long way to save lives, not only in schools but throughout the country as learners and teachers are members of communities.

“The third wave has already arrived and people should take the necessary precaution to stay safe at all times. It is worrying that the rate of vaccinations is not that fast and this development is a cause for concern,” he said.

The department of basic education announced that non-contact sport can however continue.

“Non-contact sport training in schools can continue provided that all social distancing, hygiene and safety measures are observed and that there is no physical contact between participants during training,” the DBE said.

The decision follows calls made by education experts and activists as a result of the looming third wave. The risk of the spread of Covid-19 is expected to increase due to the cold, wet weather.

Last week, Makaneta appealed to Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga to cancel the school sporting activities as the country braces for a third wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

School sports, especially as the winter season sets in, pose a potential risk for the spread of Covid-19, Makaneta said in a statement.

– African News Agency (ANA)